Today we have sealed their mouths with their hands and talked and - TopicsExpress


Today we have sealed their mouths with their hands and talked and witnessing their legs as they earn (65) (YS). In the shadow of the holy Quran. And says: Today we have sealed their mouths and their hands and talked witnessing their legs what they earn, This case infidels and hypocrites doomsday while denying what Ajtermuh in the world and swear by God will be concluded with what they did on their mouths and questioning what worked wholeheartedly. Ibn Abi Hatim narrated Abu Shaybah Ibrahim bin Abdullah bin Abi Shaybah narrated Mndjab ibn al-Harith al-Tamimi told us Abu Amer Azadi Tell us Sufian Obaid Office for Fadl ibn Amr popular Anas bin Malik may Allah be pleased with him, said: We were with the Prophet peace be upon him He laughed even seemed Noajzh then said peace be upon him, Do you know mm laugh? said Allah and His Messenger know said peace be upon him of the dispute Abed Rabbo doomsday says the Lord of pain Tgerna of injustice? says Yes, he says, is not passed on the only witness of myself says Enough yourself today you Reckoner and Eram writers witnesses will be concluded on it and said to his staff Antqa work then cleared between him and the speech says dimension but crushed Fnken I was fighting, was narrated by Muslim women, both from Abu Bakr ibn Abi Nadar Abu Nadar for Obeid-Allah ibn Abdul Rahman Ashjai for Sufian is a revolutionary him. Then he said, women do not know anyone who narrated this talk about Ashjai Sufyan is a modern Ghraib and God knows best. As well as he has been offering narrated from Abu Amer Abd al-Malik ibn Amr al-Asadi, a lumpy for Sufian said Abdul Razak told Muammar shake Ben Wise for his father and grandfather of the Prophet peace be upon him said, You claim Mvdma on your mouth Balfdam first thing to ask for one of you thigh and shoulder, narrated by women from Muhammad ibn Rafi Abd Razak him, and said Sufian bin appointment for Sohail from his father from Abu Hurayrah, may Allah be pleased with him for the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him in an interview with the resurrection term in which he said, and then cast the third and he says what are you? says I servant believed your Npik and your book and silence and prayed and charity commends okay what could - said - said to him not to send you we saw? - said - Vivkr himself who witness it will be concluded on it and said to his thigh Antqa - said - Vtntq thigh, meat and bones of what was working and that the hypocrite in order to be excused from himself and that of angry God Almighty be upon him and narrated by Muslim, Abu Dawood narrated from Sufyan bin appointment by starring then said Ibn Abi Hatim Gods mercy My father told us told us Hichem Ben Ammar told us Ismail bin Ayyash told us Damadm bin implants for Shurayh bin Obaid for a bin Amer, may Allah be pleased with him that he heard the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him says, The first bone of the human speak on sealed mouths on the left thigh of the man, and narrated by Ibn Jarir from Muhammad ibn Auf Abdullah bin Mubarak bin Ismail Ayyash do like him. The existence attributed Imam Ahmad Allahs mercy, he said Tell us Hakam ibn Nafi told us Ismail bin Ayyash about Damadm bin implants for Shurayh bin Obaid Hadrami who told him about Ben Amer obstacle may Allah be pleased with him that he heard the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him says, The first bone of the human speak Day sealed the mouths thigh of the man North, said Ibn Jarir narrated Yaqub ibn Ibrahim son told him told us Yunus bin Obaid Humaid bin Hilal said: Abu Burda said Abu Musa is Ashari may Allah be pleased with him named insured account doomsday presents it Rabbo done with between him and him admits he says yes any employer worked worked worked said Allaah will forgive him his sins and concealed them said what on earth creature you see from those sins thing looks good deeds delegations that all people see it and called the infidel and hypocrite account presents it Rabbo work Fagehd says any employer and Your glory has been written This is what the king did not say to him, King was working but has worked well in the day as well as in place as well? He says no and Your glory any employer what you did, if to do so seal of God on the Abu Musa al-Ashari said, may Allah be pleased with him, I figured the first thing that utters it right thigh then read Today we have sealed their mouths and their hands and talked legs witnessing what they earn.
Posted on: Tue, 21 Oct 2014 12:16:38 +0000

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