Today we learn how to be an Earth bender…. With the Moon in - TopicsExpress


Today we learn how to be an Earth bender…. With the Moon in Taurus now, we may feel exalted. As if all our senses are open and ready for exchange. This Moon makes loving contact (trine) to a couple of the big players in the sky right now: Venus in Virgo and Pluto in Capricorn (I wrote about Venus descending last night in my post, “Venus descends, Mars ascends,” and I’ll be talking extensively about Pluto tonight at the Healer’s Jam.) Moon trine Venus trine Pluto in Earth signs is called a Grand Trine in Earth. With the Full Moon, we had one in Water, and soon there will be one in Fire. Elementally speaking, we are primed; The gods and humans are becoming symbiotic. In Taurus, we discover ourselves through our bodies. Given our senses to feel through, we can see the majesty, hear to music, smell the flowers, taste, drool and devour, and touch it all. Essentially, it is where we discover Earth. In Virgo, which is where Venus currently resides, we learn how to manipulate matter (Earth) with our hands. Through careful observation we realize what works and what doesn’t, refining our skills and understanding of systems. This is why Virgo relates to work and healing. Venus is beautifying all these spaces. And then there is Capricorn, both the pinnacle and the seed of the Zodiac. Crystallization occurs here, mastery is tasted, and kingdoms inside and out form. In the big world, it’s like Sauran fortifying his castles and growing his armies. Pluto is creating the fear of destruction and transformation in the world. In our own “little” world, the same ideas apply, it’s just more personal, centered around our own Soul, and not the Soul of the Planet (though, I suspect, they are tethered in some remarkable way). .: The Image :. When grounded enough in our being, we can move mountains …this idea of “earth bending” is older than the Avatar cartoons, yet it is where I’m getting it. With such an ability, we can either build majestic temples inside and out, or hurl rocks at either, drill for the blood of the planet, put people in cages, and misuse atomic forces. With the ability to manipulate Earth, we have completely transformed the planet in a blink of an eye. Frightening, yet empowering. Because if it could happen like it has, imagine what we can do with our own bodies, when this bending is applied to our stubborn ways, stuck patterns, rock cold hearts, and chippy shoulders. Miracles I suspect… .: The Feeling :. Centered. Like we finally stepped off the teacup ride, vertigo has passed, and our center feels stronger than before. Solace in sweet moments of solitude. Supported. Someone will always come through for you. Anal, trying to remember everything is always in it’s right place. Ungrounded and troubled by the feeling of it all shifting. Happy to be alive. Simple. .: The Summoning :. May we call on all the Earth spirits: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn, espers whispering in the trees, kachinas dancing on high mountain rocks, the soil spirits enriching us from the ground up, and pray for their unconditional support by offering us the solid ground, steady spirit, and how to become a magnet for resources we know we deserve. And so it goes… If you need assistance, I would love to offer you a Reading. Kosmognosis@gmail or visit: Holestoheavens
Posted on: Fri, 12 Sep 2014 17:22:30 +0000

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