Today we learnt with great sadness of the death of Mrs Miriro - TopicsExpress


Today we learnt with great sadness of the death of Mrs Miriro Pswarayi former Head of ZCTU Gender and Education. She passed on this morning after battling with cancer. As women in the ZCTU we mourn a heroine of the workers struggles, a champion of womens rights, a passionate gender activist , a mother and a great mentor. She was responsible for the initiation and led the fight for the recognition of ZCTU Women committee, establishment of the Gender desk and women empowerment programmes. We will always miss you our mum our heroine. But surely your legacy will go on forever and yes we will continue to take the women empowerment and gender equality fight forward to greater levels and we will always refer to your great book that you wrote in all our hearts, of commitment, will power, unity of purpose in order to achieve. Mum we will surely miss your great expertise and your love for workers emancipation. May you rest in eternal peace and may the Lord raise another like you. long Live Mum Pswarais Legacy.
Posted on: Thu, 04 Sep 2014 17:22:48 +0000

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