Today we met with many members of Moms team and discussed what we - TopicsExpress


Today we met with many members of Moms team and discussed what we will be doing going forward. Mom has extra fluid in her ventricles in her brain and they think it would be best to put a shunt in that would help drain it into her abdomen . Dr. Chen (neurosurgeon) is out of town until Monday or Tuesday, so we will need to speak with him to find out if he will put in the shunt or if he can recommend someone at Mercy to do it. It is not emergent so it is alright to wait until next week. They also need to get clearance from Dr. Chen to have her sit up in a chair for therapy. So until then, we are basically on hold. We are all hoping that when some of this fluid is removed that she will wake up more. Mom opened her eyes for a long time this afternoon for us while we were there, more than she has in a long time. Respiratory therapy is working hard to help get her breathing muscles strong enough to come off the ventilator. They explained to us the process for doing this so now we are a little more clear on what will be going on in the next few weeks. She was on CPAP for 5 1/2 hours today and they will gradually try to increase her to twice a day to help strengthen her. We also found out today that it is good to keep talking to her and stimulating her even if it means she breathes fast. They did say that the more stimulation her brain receives the more they would hope she would put back out. I am going to work this weekend and make some music CDs for her of her favorite oldies music to listen to when we are not there. PT is working hard to stimulate her muscles and doing other exercises and techniques to stimulate her neurologically as well. We are not looking forward to her having another surgery but if it is going to help Jeanne then it is what we will do. She should recover quickly from the shunt placement and then we will be back to helping increase her strength. Please continue to keep Jeanne in your prayers. I cannot thank all of you enough for your continued love and support of our family. - Kim
Posted on: Sat, 15 Nov 2014 02:22:37 +0000

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