Today we often hear phrases like this may be true for you, but not - TopicsExpress


Today we often hear phrases like this may be true for you, but not true for me. For those who say there is no absolute truth, truth is seen as just a personal preference or a perception, and therefore can not extend beyond the limits of the person. Therefore there are no definitive answers to the meaning of life, and there can be no hope for life after life. This type of relativism results in religious confusion, because it could not be a true religion, nor any way to have a right relationship with God. All religions would therefore be false, because they all claim to teach or believe in any life after life, some kind of absolute truth. This is why it is not uncommon today for people to believe that two diametrically opposed religions can also be true even though both claim to have the only way to heaven or teach two totally opposite truths. People who do not believe in absolute truth ignore these claims and adopt a more tolerant universalism that teaches that all religions are equal and that all lead to heaven. This is also why people who adopt this worldly point of view evangelical Christians who believe in what the Bible where Jesus is declared to be ... the way, the truth and the life, says vehemently oppose and he is the ultimate manifestation of the truth and the only way by which one can get to heaven (John 14: 6). And yet despite the fact that the denial of absolute truth is both illogical and irrational, the view that everything is relative has become one of the slogans of the generation in which we live. In many parts of the Western world, multitudes rejected the possibility that may exist or there is such a thing as absolute truth. This has resulted in what many define as a post-modern society, which considers all the values, beliefs, lifestyles and proclamations of truth, as equally valid. For this reason, those who are governed by absolute standards of good and evil, are considered intolerant and routinely condemned, ridiculed and criticized. In fact, tolerance has become one of the cardinal virtues of society, the only absolute, and therefore can only be one evil and that is intolerance. In other words, what has happened is that any religious or single system that creates dogmatically in anything - especially in absolute truth - becomes guilty of intolerance, and the only thing a company on and politically correct will not accept, are those who believe in absolutes. Those who deny absolute truth will often say that its okay to believe in what you want, while not try to impose your beliefs on others. But this position itself is a belief about what is right and what is wrong, and those who hold this view definitely try to impose on others, thus proving to be hypocrites. They set a standard of behavior, which they insist that others should follow - thus violating the same argument that they claim to hold. The question that begs to be answered is why those who promote tolerance are so intolerant of people who believe in absolute truth? And why are people so willing to adopt a belief system that is destroying the very fabric of society, which is in its very essence as both irrational illogical? The simple reason is that people do not want to give account of himself to these standards of conduct. Actually this responsibility is what people are trying to deny in its rejection of absolute truth. The denial of absolute truth / universal truth and cultural relativism that comes of this is simply the logical outcome of a society that has adopted the theory of evolution as the explanation of life. If evolution is true, then life has no meaning whatsoever, we have a purpose, and there can be no absolute good or evil. The man is then free to live life as he pleases and is not accountable to anyone for their actions. And yet, no matter how sinful man wants to deny the existence of God and His absolute truth, they will someday before him for trial. The Bible says, For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who suppress the truth in unrighteousness; For what can be known about God is plain to them, because God has shown it. For the invisible things of Him, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen since the creation of the world, being understood through what has been made, so that men are without excuse. For although they knew God they did not glorify Him as God, nor were thankful, but became futile in their speculations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing to be wise, they became fools (Romans 1: 18-22).. The final question we should ask when considering whether it actually exists or is no absolute truth, is - is there any evidence for the existence of absolute truth? If one carefully considers this question, it becomes readily apparent that there is other evidence pointing to the existence of absolute truth. The first evidence for the existence of absolute truth is appreciated in our consciousness. Our conscience tells us that the world should be a certain way that some things are good and some bad. It helps us understand that there is something wrong with the suffering, hunger, and evil. We do appreciate that love, generosity, compassion and peace are positive things that we must fight. The Bible describes the role of human consciousness in Romans 2: 14-16. When Gentiles who have not the law, do by nature things required by law, these, having not the law, are a law unto themselves: Which shew the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience bearing witness, and accusing or else defending them, on the day when God shall judge the secrets of men, according to my gospel. The second evidence for the existence of absolute truth in science is appreciated. Science is simply the pursuit of knowledge. It is the study of what we know and demand to know more. Therefore, any scientific study by necessity must be based on the belief that there are objective realities that exist in the world. Without absolutes, what would the scientific study? How can one know that the discoveries they made were real? In fact, the same laws of science should be based on the certainty of absolute truth. The third evidence for the existence of absolute truth / universal truth is the existence of religion. All world religions are an attempt to give meaning and definition to life. They were born of the fact that human beings want something more than mere existence. Behind all religions is a fundamental belief that there must be more to life than mere physical existence we now know. Through religion, people are looking for security and hope for the future, the forgiveness of sins, peace in the midst of our struggles, and the answers to our deepest questions. Religion is real evidence that the human being is more than just a highly evolved animal species. It is evidence of a higher purpose and that there is indeed a Creator with a personal and purposeful, who implanted in man a desire to know Him. And if there really is a Creator, then He becomes the representation of the absolute truth, and it is His authority that establishes this truth. Fortunately for us, yes, there is such a Creator and He has revealed not only Himself, but His truth through His own Word, the Bible. If we know the absolute truth / universal truth, the only way is through a personal relationship with the One who claimed to be the Truth Jesus Christ. Jesus said unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life; No one comes to the Father except through me (John 14: 6). The fact that there is absolute truth, guide us to the truth that there is a sovereign God who created the heavens and the earth and who has revealed to Yes same to us, so we can know Him personally through His Son Jesus Christ.
Posted on: Tue, 23 Sep 2014 20:37:23 +0000

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