Today we went to a friends orphanage, we had so much fun playing - TopicsExpress


Today we went to a friends orphanage, we had so much fun playing with the kids. They sang us some lovely songs and they invited us to stay for dinner. We had a GREAT time!!!! As we left, it was dark and we had just turned the corner of a back road and saw a pregnant woman and two other ladies. They looked like they needed help, so we backed up to see if we could help. They said the pregnant mom was in labor and needed to get to the hospital. We drive a Nissan Patrol, maybe it is like a four runner or something like that. Remember, we have 7 kids, our translator and a friend with us, so we already have 11 in this little SUV. Very quickly, Sarah and Ellie hopped into the back seat with the 4 kids that were already back there. Caleb sat in Katies lap next to me in the middle row and Dukenson, our translator was next to me, all to make room in the front seat for the pregnant momma..... and her 3 friends, we have no idea where the 3rd friend came from. The ladies were all speaking creole and Ryan and Dukenson were trying to figure out where the nearest hospital was. We were visiting friends and have never been in this area. One of the friends, quickly says, she needs money. I asked Dukenson to ask her if her water had broke. He of course says, what do you mean?? I said does she have water leaking out between her legs, she says yes. I am now praying that the clinic is close by, because we have not yet delivered a baby and with a car full of 8 kids and the dark of night, I didnt think tonight would be the night. Luckily, the clinic was only 10 minutes way. I put my arm on the gal and prayed for her and her baby. I also prayed that the clinic would take her. Ryan and Dukenson went in with her and soon came out. The momma had to wait in the waiting room. One of the friends came out and was telling us she needed money. At this point, it is feeling fishy. Yes, the momma is pregnant and the baby is sitting low. Was the momma yelling and panting, NO. When the momma got out of the car, I felt the seat to see if it was wet.... NO. Pretty soon, the pregnant momma and her friends were all out at our car asking for money. We told her, if she was in labor she needed to get in the clinic and we would check on her tomorrow. They said we were evil and walked off and started down the road. If she were really in labor, she would have stayed, however, the blancs or white people in the SUV must have been all they needed to put their scheme together. I do pray that when she goes into labor, it will be smooth and that the baby and momma will be healthy. What a way to end the day....
Posted on: Tue, 26 Nov 2013 01:44:05 +0000

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