Today we will progress with the Quick Question Cards from Sunday ( - TopicsExpress


Today we will progress with the Quick Question Cards from Sunday ( yesterdays fun! Jan 26th 2014 ) from the cards revealed. Today we will discuss the first part of the week for you who have started this journey of Sunday to Sunday Free Questions and Answers from the Crystals Guidance. Today lets discuss Messages from your Angels Card Mystique The First Card to the left, this angel comes in a beautiful midnight black and white unicorn. Or could it be the beauty is really a creature of the light that charges through the darkness in us. Perhaps she is telling us to stop attracting or holding on to negative situations, people, inner sabotaging, low self esteem issues. The very things that hold us back from truly embracing our lifes purpose due to lack of one thing or another. The first part of this week may hold you with fighting these very things. The first few days of the week find us charging forward though our darkness. For some you may be fighting depressions, additions or just plain fatigued from all the holidays and information taken in. It may be that finances are holding you back for the next few days. Mystique ask you to keep charging ahead, you are on the right path, just a little more confidence and dont listen to the negative. Keep moving on with your plans, hopes, dreams and dont allow fear or other peoples opinions affect your heart and spirit. It is not always easy to remain true to your goals when so much seems to be keeping you in the dark. Be patient with yourself these next few days. Reflection is the key, write things down, continue to do your research, inwards and out. Look for signs, visions, ideas, to help you stay grounded in your convictions. Then expect Miraculous solutions to appear. Just as the card suggest. Leave your questions below in a comment and the # of the card you have chosen to ask you quick crystal clear question on. I will from time to time search the Crystal to guide me to the one question the angels want answered the most. Please like, leave a comment or you will lose the opportunity to journey along with us this week. This is the only way as facebook has prevented the smaller fan pages to be seen unless you do this. You can also turn on notifications under the Like button at the top of our page to stay posted with us.
Posted on: Mon, 27 Jan 2014 16:01:04 +0000

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