Today went to dmv and I passed all 3 Cdl permit test. Met new - TopicsExpress


Today went to dmv and I passed all 3 Cdl permit test. Met new friends. One Cambodian guy Orn. White guy Justin. One Mexican Sean. . One black Nate. And one lesbian chick rain, but she is cool thought. Crazy in her own ways but cool personality. Got back from dmv at 11am and done for the day with class. Next stage is training on the truck. Im so excited and happy Id passed Cdl test. Had chicken and rice lunch. Went for walk and exercise abit. Then head to the room took a nap and later woke to sound of my roommate enter the room. He was packing to leave because he just graduated from training. But my other roommate never showed up but his stuff is still here laying all over the place. So I have the room quiet all to myself tonight. 7:30ish me and the guys hop on shuttle van to go do Walmart run. White guy Justin want to get some food. We try google food market but was about 1half miles away and wouldve taken 30min to walk but we had only 2hours before shuttle van pick us up. So we decided to walked to Mexican restaurant across the street from Walmart. Justin try out the super burrito and I had chicken salads was good with their secret sauce. After finished, we headed back to Walmart because Justin needed chap stick because his lips was cracking bad. Then I made a joke that his new nickname is chap. We cracked up laughing about it. Justin was cool. Then Sean called me duck dynasty and duck tales because I shared him stories from my younger days when my boys and I use to go get ducks at park and made larb duck. We then called sean beeper. Because he had a tag that trigger the security machine at Walmart to beep everytime we walked out of Walmart. We thought machine was messed up. We had fun messing around with security guard though. She just laughed and smiled about it. So we got back to terminal at 10:30ish, decided to hangout with Sean in cafeteria and later we hang out with our classmates talking about who failed and who passed. Then rain was talking about how some question about combo answer was not on test same as one given by the school that we was given info from. She was pissed and stressed about failing the combo test. Then one of trainer and Rain got into and was about to throw down. Rain didnt want to back down because it wasnt the guy problems and he jump into conversation and she a tough cookie and didnt back down and got under one of the trainers skin. He got heated and walked toward her and was about to hit her. We broke them up. So we continued the night chilling outside talking about life and shared our stories. Everyone had their stories from different backgrounds growing up. How times fly when we are having fun, plus there is a pool table outside for us to enjoy. Its about 2am now and Im just tired but I had to shared my stories. Its 2:30am, So Im going to bed now. Goodnight.
Posted on: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 10:35:57 +0000

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