Today when Christians say Ghana is a Christian state, you see - TopicsExpress


Today when Christians say Ghana is a Christian state, you see Muslims quickly pointing to the constitution that Ghana is not. But in truth, Ghana is a “Christian state”. The Muslims, both men and women, have adopted the Christian way of life in almost every aspect of life. You can hardly feel the air of Islam. We have abandoned the Sunnah of the great Rasulullah Mohammed SAW. Our men have abandoned the keeping of beard, the wearing hat or the wearing of jalbab. Our ladies have abandoned the hijab described in the Quran - the long cloak with covers the whole body. Some ladies now even think hijab is to cover the hair and that’s all. Subhanallah! We condemned polygamy even though Allah has clearly ordained it in the Quran, and we advocate for monogamy – giving flimsy excuses that polygamy is not feasible in modern times due to the economic situation, whereas even within West Africa in countries where people understand Islam, like Northern Nigeria, Mauritania, Mali, Niger, Senegal, Burkina Faso, etc polygamy is working perfectly and has brought dignity to women. Amazing! Whilst nothing prevents a lady from getting married and then continue her education, in Ghana majority of Muslim parents today will not give out their daughters for marriage until their the daughters have completed tertiary. They delay the marriage of their daughters – something which goes DIRECTLY against the command of the Rasulullah SAW. Today, instead of Muslims learning the methodology laid down by the great Rasulullah SAW of how to pick a marriage partner, we have adopted instead, the corrupt western style called RELATIONSHIP, in the process opening a door for fornication and promiscuity. Top of all is that we have neglected the seeking of Islamic knowledge. The priority of most parents today is the child’s western education not the Madrassa. Children spend Monday to Friday seeking Western education, and then Saturday for extra classes, leaving just one day (Sunday) for Madrassa. This has led to terrible consequences. Less than 10% of Muslims in Ghana today can recite all the 114 surahs in the Quran with Tajweed in a perfect manner, and less than 1% of than number can recite the Quran with full understanding of its meaning. These disturbing statistics are facts which no Muslim in Ghana can deny because it’s the truth. Wanlahi until we face the truth and go back to the Sunnah of great Rasulullah SAW which is our true heritage and identity, we will continue to sink and be insignificant in the country, and one day Ghana will be officially declared a Christian state. I pray we wake up before that happens. [Excerpts from the thesis “The Bitter Truth of the Muslims In Ghana” by Sufi Abdullah]
Posted on: Thu, 27 Jun 2013 10:04:13 +0000

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