Today, white Americans are on my last nerve. Having two - TopicsExpress


Today, white Americans are on my last nerve. Having two kiddos that call me Dad who just happen to have a slightly darker skin tone than us white ones sure brings this issue of young (UNARMED) black teenagers being killed by white cops (and wannebe cops) close to home with me. But what bothers me equally as much is the internalized prejudice that still exists in our country today. Anytime I talk about Trayvon Martin or a host of other young black kids who have lost their lives, it gets very quiet in the facebook room. And the media... well, they just prop up the prejudice that exists with their coverage portraying generally peaceful protests to these deaths as a bunch of black hoodlums on the loose ravaging our cities. Gov. Nixon in the Missouri case said it best... Nixon said that though many protesters were making themselves heard peacefully, the state would not allow a handful of looters to endanger the community. Now, if he (and all of the white folks that live in fear of anyone who doesnt have their lily white skin tone) would just listen to those words... in particular, the word handful... attitudes would change. Its time for all Americans to stand up to the cops for our brothers and sisters with a slightly darker skin tone that our own. Better yet, its time for all Americans to stand up to the cops for all our brothers and sisters (period).
Posted on: Sun, 17 Aug 2014 00:01:56 +0000

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