Today will never come again. Remember to take some time out for - TopicsExpress


Today will never come again. Remember to take some time out for you. Do everything possible to protect your spirit and keep it intact. We often keep ourselves stuck in situations out of guilt, maybe because we feel “bad” or we are simply trying to be a good friend, neighbor or relative. I am of the belief that we can do and try all we can to better ourselves, but it doesn’t mean we have to become someone elses punching bag either. My friend from years ago emailed me last night, she had some concerns about negative people who she believed were friends but may now harbor jealousy towards her for the blessings she has in her life. I’ll tell you, when I met this girl my junior year of college, she was definitely unique and someone I wanted to be like. She has a very sunny disposition about her, she’s foolish and funny, she’s soft spoken but straight up with you, she can pop and lock like the best of them simply, she’d probably cut a finger off for you. LOL…you know what I mean, not to mention she’s absolutely gorgeous. She is of Pakistani descent, so naturally I gravitated to her because I considered myself a brown person, well yellowish, but brown in my heart So, where I’m going with this is, we have the power to manipulate the energy given off to us, we can be reactive or proactive. Usually, those giving off negative energy want us to react, because they thrive off of making people feel like shit. I can never get this, because I’ve never felt great or powerful when I made someone feel like shit. In fact, my feelings get really hurt when those I love say things like “you just wanna hurt me” and I think to myself, when in my past have I ever willing and intentionally hurt you? It’s a crush to the character I try to uphold myself to. These people simply have broken spirits, that’s the way I look at it, but our spirits are the core of us, they are the ‘human” part of us, our bodies are merely the capsules. What we take on spiritually can make or break us. As I become long and drawn out, I simply said to my friend, take care of your spirit. The moment you feel doubtful is the moment the door opens for negativity to seep into your spirit, it then becomes an internal battle of wanting to feel just as negative as that person inflicting it upon you(because believe it or not negativity is contagious) or! You fight the good battle, take whatever they are dishing out to you and flip it around. Ignore it, smile, reach out and give them a hug, or simply separate yourself from their lives. It is THEIR problem, not yours, but if you love that person you don’t want them hurting and you certainly don’t want them lashing out on you for all the good blessings you have in your life. For me, I rally around people, I am the annoying and everlasting cheerleader, as you know I’m pure sensitive and I cry or feel like crying over little things. I mean as my daughter is going to bed last night, I said “Techihida.” It means I love you in Dakota. She replies “Momma, you need to say DINA TECHIHIDA.” “I love you a lot.” I wanted to cry, thank god the lights were off. LOL… My friend(I will keep her name secret) has battled with cancer, she also has a boyfriend who has battled with cancer. Today they are both alive and in love. Happy and grateful for their blessings, and almost losing their lives, people will still want to take them down. It’s part of an ugly and hurtful world we live in. If I were her, I’d have a struggle in believing in the “good” of people too, because who does that? Wants to hurt you after you nearly lost your life? It happens…it happened to me, but as she is and as I am, we are still continuing to live life to its fullest. Remember you always have a choice, this day will end, what you do today is of your choice. Will you smile, hug, laugh, give? Or will you be an asshole? Yell, snap your eyes, mumble under your breath. Most importantly, as this day ends, will tomorrow come for you? Please choose to be kind. Let your love be someone’s sunshine today. Techihida DINA
Posted on: Fri, 26 Jul 2013 14:08:28 +0000

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