Today would have been my fathers 89th birthday if he was still - TopicsExpress


Today would have been my fathers 89th birthday if he was still alive ( he was shot and killed by police in Florida when I was 14 ) , I have noticed I have been depressed lately, I made a documentary that talks about many things from Mass Incarceration, Police Brutality, Homelessness, Poverty. The Throwaways, was a project done while I was homeless and done with the support of others through Kickstarter, Indigogo, and the donations of those who supported me. The events in Ferguson Mo, is the reason why I dedicated myself into making of this film, it was and is to be used as a educational tool for us to have a open discussion about these things I have just mentioned, about the frustrations of the invisible people. People you do not think about until things hit a explosive level. My depression and anger I think is from what more could been have done, why are you not interested in this narrative? I have worked so hard to bring it for others to see our pain and now that these issues I talked about in the film is now in the forefront of this nations eye, why are we not using this documentary as a educational tool for others to see.Yes we have been are going to 8 film festivals but to tell you the truth 4 of these film festivals have had a poor turn out and was not to me a top priority for discussion for the festivals that we got into. There are some people that I am friends with that can help me support this message but have chose to support a different narrative. I am not looking for fame or richness and hope to use any assets in rebuilding communities and for me living a modest means because I have been homeless for so long. I do feel the pain of millions of poor Americans and people of color who are misunderstood and looked over for profit of a few, I have awaken from my dark cloud of depression because I understand it helps no one, I have to be strong for those who can not and continue my path. All I ask is for support from those of you who have seen this powerful documentary to help get it out to the masses. Like the song says Back to Life, Back to reality, back to here and now. One Love Everyone!!!
Posted on: Sat, 16 Aug 2014 12:21:28 +0000

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