Today yes what a day :) Got all the kids fed this morning then - TopicsExpress


Today yes what a day :) Got all the kids fed this morning then headed off to Mindin to collect my woombaroo order. Had literally just walked out the ladies house when the phone rang... Please come quick there has been a roo killed outside our place but the baby is still alive. I asked if it was warm and she said yes. So I asked that they cover the pouch with a towel or blanket to keep bub warm till I got there. This place was only Five mins from home but we were near Lowood. Poor Mum had been hit during the early hours of the morning I would say. Bub was just a velvet little Redneck girl melt your heart face. Steph popped her down her shirt. We chatted a while with the people and they were very nice and genuinely care :) Went home and started feeds...thankfully little Popo is now feeding better because the new girl "Titch" is taking forever to feed..she has bruising to her toes and bum :( also looks like her little face is bruised. She is feeding every 2 1/2 hrs at the moment so its gonna be a long night. Just got through that round and tried to have a Nana nap (lol...not happening).. got another call to collect something that had been in a dogs mouth from Rosevale...cut lunch and tucker bag country. I sent Barry and steph out after talking to the lady who said it was a glider and it had been hanging round for three days. they kept taking out bush and it would come back. They would find it sleeping at the base of a tree. She said its eyes were yukky! When they got back after it had bitten steph in the transfer from the ladies cat cage to the basket... I had a look and the poor old fella has been living with entropia (Turned in eyelids) for a LONG time and the scaring to the eye surface has made him blind :( Will take him in to the vet on Monday...mean while will clean his eyes and put drops in them and give him pain relief as it is an extremely painful condition. I guess he finally became a liability to the colony and he was chucked out. Then had a friend collect a little Ringtail in Ipswich for me as a friend for Pablo... have called him Kahawa (which means coffee in Swahili) to keep with the Coffee Club theme. He is a LOT smaller than Pablo but hope they learn to get along. Loves his milk which is nice makes my job a whole lot easier. So there we have it Three new kids on the block. Cricket is doing well and had a lovely time today hopping from the front door through the house to the back door and back again. His little legs are getting stronger :) Today he had downed all his bottles in record time. Blinky is still very possessive of Steph so I have ended up with all three rednecks (not that Im complaining). Popo is feeding much better today and is a lot more settled. She was happy enough to stay in her basket for about half an hour which was great. Jarrah and Moccona chose to stay in their basket today. I usually have then in my shirt during the day and in the basket for the night. But this morning I got snubbed :( they is growing up already. Chubba and Hershey are doing well in the play cage..loving it
Posted on: Sat, 20 Jul 2013 12:57:18 +0000

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