Today you dont have to be identified about where youve come from- - TopicsExpress


Today you dont have to be identified about where youve come from- I mean if youve spent your entire life within a country/city/town Im sure you would be extremely influenced by this place and this representation may be correct- but if you are like me and feel like your life is like a tapestry- a canvas- where each city and each country you go to or aspire to you stitch a little bit of that from or even places your partners are from so a bit of that culture comes too and you get to a point where coming home isnt really coming home because you have spent so much of your life taking things from here and there trying to make yourself the best you can be- then how is that question even valid? Home for me is a work in progress its like a project in which your constantly adding and upgrading You get to the point where home isnt really a piece of soil its a piece of soul To the point where if someone asks me where is home? I think about my best friends or the ones Ive met along the way or the songs that take me there I have most faith in those things that are beyond my understanding Its very important to have a home inside you rather than a physical address its important to have a home inside you that will guide you where ever it is you go next because you need some stability and its paramount to build that home inside your own soul when you have no building to lay your head each night Home its not just a place where you sleep its a place where you stand Its only by stopping movement that you can see where to go
Posted on: Tue, 30 Sep 2014 08:13:40 +0000

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