Todays Affirmation: Your gifts will only make you feel fulfilled - TopicsExpress


Todays Affirmation: Your gifts will only make you feel fulfilled when you use them for others as well as for yourself. Keeping yourself to yourself is a waste of your ability to become truly whole. This morning Im imagining a world where everyone is giving of themselves to others without reservation. No second guessing, just giving as need presents itself. And everyone has different needs, and everyone has different gifts that can fill those spaces, and its a whole lot of collaboration without the stress of competition - give, give, give, give, GIVE. I give, you give, we give. And in all that giving, the happiness and joy expand and expand and expand. I want to live in that world. How? Kindness toward other. Perseverance in making my small spot in the world a better place. By being open and giving rather than selfishly squirreling away my energy, time and talent. Giving even when I feel spent. And what if other has no interest in my gifts or abilities? Well, I just keep being kind, keep on persevering, keep being open and ready to give. I cannot force another person to accept what I have to offer, and maybe what I have to offer isnt what that person needs, or maybe theyre not at a spot in their lives to accept it. However, that doesnt mean that I shut down; rather, it gives me an opportunity to see past the situation and to continue to have the gift ready and available for giving when the need presents itself. Im not the end-all be-all, nor am I so presumptuous to assume that my gifts will help everyone whose path crosses with mine. Instead, its about willingness, courage, vulnerability and extension. Offering to help. And in the offering, bringing my world one step closer to one of collaborative give and take, happiness and joy. We are each one piece making up a beautiful, diverse, full-of-color puzzle. We need each other to become the whole - each of us has gifts, each of us has something beautiful to offer, each of us has need. And each of us - one with the other - have continuous opportunities to come together to make this world a more amazing place. Praying that, today, each of us finds at least one opportunity to feel good by using one of our gifts to make someone elses life better. And in doing so, that each of us receives more happiness, more joy, more wholeness. Loving the piece of the puzzle YOU are, I pray your day is full of opportunity to give. Happy day.
Posted on: Mon, 16 Jun 2014 12:08:19 +0000

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