Todays America is inside out and upside down. Whats wrong is now - TopicsExpress


Todays America is inside out and upside down. Whats wrong is now considered the the norm. And what used to be right is ridiculed. Instead of doing the right thing, people are doing whats right for themselves. They are more selfish, self centered and narcissistic. People are more concerned about what todays celebrities are doing than what their own govt is doing to them. Our rights are being whittled away and people dont care! The Chinese and Russians are like wolves waiting to pounce on our crumbling nation. Are debt is so high we can never repay it and we have a private central bank bleeding the tax payers dry. Our so called commander in chief is the golfer in chief and the laughing stock of the world. The congress is a joke and people keep watching American idol (what i call American idiot) and collecting welfare and food stamps. What ever happened to the people who used to be proud to be an American. Proud to be working. Now people cant wait to be on some type of govt handout. STOP SUCKING ON THE GOVT TIT. ITS DRY. GO OUT GET A JOB. GROW UP. LOVE YOUR HUSBAND OR YOUR WIFE. MARRIAGES ARE NOT DISPOSABLE. BE A GOOD PERSON AND DO THE RIGHT THING. EVEN IF ITS NOT THE RIGHT THING FOR YOU. BE LOVING, HONEST AND FAITHFUL. HUG YOUR KIDS AND KISS YOUR SPOUSE. DONT YELL AT THE DOG BECAUSE HE PEED ON THE CARPET. TAKE HIM OUT. Stop being selfish and start being giving! A texas man walked into a chick filet on Monday during a lunch rush. He handed the cashier 1000 dollars and said buy everyones lunch behind me until this runs out. We dont have to go to extremes like that but pay it forward. Be a good person. Share the love! Not the hate.
Posted on: Fri, 19 Sep 2014 10:45:25 +0000

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