Todays Big Smiley book 7, 5th. skit. Another cold morning for us - TopicsExpress


Todays Big Smiley book 7, 5th. skit. Another cold morning for us early risers. Im worried about my Facebook friends facing below 0 weather, where its too cold to snow. Paysons about 10 degrees colder than Gisela, 12 miles below us, so the abandoned Gisela cats arent quite as cold as our feral cats here at Twin Lakes. Chapter 5 There was another snow storm coming in on Wednesday. Siddy Kitty was asleep underneath the blanket at the foot of Misty Anna’s small crib. Big Smiley just sort of tumbled off the bed while Marsha slipped into her bath robe by the soft night light. As soon as they reached the stairs they both felt a surge of energy that seemed to have held back so as not to wake the baby and her cat. Wearing his previously owned winter parka, with his hands in his pockets, Sonny greeted the dog at the gate. Often he stopped by for a cup of coffee as he ended his last night watch over the neighborhood. Earlier in the year there had been several driveby shootings aimed at Obama’s shabby little headquarters, where a group of handicapped overcomers, led by Gordon Dickerson, a mildly afflicted Down- syndrome man, better known as Gogo Dicky, had taken in five orphaned children. Sonny and Marsha shared an only child that either one ever had. This coming summer Misty Anna would be a year old. That happened before he made a guard shack out of the abandoned shed near McDonald’s dumpster, while he was still camping out of sight on his bedroll in the woods. The dying girl with her newborn infant managed to reach him, crawling on her hands and knees. Her last request sent the baby to Marsha, the nice lady who lived in the beautiful towering home on Old Main Street; and, had long since in her later years, lost hope of ever having a child of her own. None of the authorities questioned the homeless grocery cart pusher when he signed the adoption papers as the baby’s natural father. Misty Anna’s heavenly mother’s cremation ashes were solemnly placed in a sealed vessel among others “Not Forgotten” such as Andrew’s mother and Natnat’s late husband, in the cat lady’s pampered, patio garden, pet cemetery, sort of Holy like born in a barn. At the table, sipping his first cup of coffee, what with a lot of history between them in such a short season, Marsha noticed that Sonny had something on his mind. “Yesterday,” he told her, “Natnat sure set me up for a good one. I know it was her because Murna probably wouldn’t remember that far back. Those girls thought they were entertaining guests, but their grandmother and mother rocked the show plumb off stage. You know how Loretta Lynn sings “How Great Thou Art”, well— that’s how they sing, an old special. They were so beautiful it brought tears to my eyes.” Marsha reached across the table and gently patted his arm. He hesitated choked up unable to say the words to Jesus, Hold My Hand, then went on, “Like birds singing.” That evening Axelrod and Nina took Queen Esther to visit a couple of old friends, Keith and Keith’s closest companion, Jones Smith the portrait painter. Jo’nes, as his name was pronounced, had known Nina Davis ever since their more frivolous college days. He could not say before his art works became serious because his spirit driven talent had always been one of the most important parts of his being. Late one night as a student art instructor and so many activities, he had burned his candle at both ends until the loud noise of another noisy gathering forced him out of the dormitory. The wind was blowing and autumn leaves had piled up like snow drifts. Away from the blasting music and in total exhaustion, he sunk down in what he considered an escape, just to rest his eyes and rest his soul and rest his tuckered out body. His solitary plan was to sleep in… maybe forever… and he did sleep… that is until a girl, he hardly knew, called Nina, with a dark, waist length braid hanging down her back, stumbled over his body and fell on top of him. After they untangled themselves from each other, they talked for a while. She was interested in finding a cure for suicidal depression. And like himself, employed as a gentleman’s aid; and, the support of a financially able art pusher; she had found a measure of success. With an affectionate cousin at his side and the trained care pet she had introduced into both of their lives, Dan, wheeling around on his sporty ride, showed no signs of suicidal depression. The shaded, quaint and curious colors were still drying on the canvas of Jo’nes’ latest work, an old man feeding pigeons on the rooftop of a sky scrapper that overlooked the city, titled Birds of a Feather. Nina wandered around his studio, admiring how far he had come, while he was checking the closet, down on his hands and knees searching under the bed with a flashlight and hunting all over the place for his cat. “Blue Boy never leaves his own territory, I can’t imagine—“ Just then a furry head, with a pair of crossed eyes, peeked around the arm of the most comfortable lounge chair in the house, exactly where he should have been all along. “Now, how’d I miss that?” “He was hiding in plain sight,” offered Nina. “That cat’s something else. At night he lets me sit in his chair to watch Ed on Let’s Get to Work, but as soon as Ed goes off, he starts pacing around with his hands in his pockets like he wants me to get out so he can go to bed.” “Where’d you get him, or should I ask where’d he get you?” “I went into Wendale Animal Welfare just to look and he started yelling at me to bail him out. He meows real loud in this funny warble. It was cat adoption discount day and I had ten dollars so you see how things turned out. I didn’t even know I needed a cat till I met him. Now I don’t know what I’d do without him. “Where’d you guys get the Great Dane?” “We have a friend who trains seeing-eye dogs. Ever’ now and then he checks out the Humane Society for likely prospects. She was only three months old and Alex took her on impulse as an experiment with the intelligence of a large dog, the larger the better. She graduated with high marks and as a special favor he pushed her on me. I was working as a relief nurse at Hope Hospital at the time and I needed an over grown pet sitter so I pushed her on Dan. He wanted to take her on the road. Here we are!” “Wonder what she thinks about meeting Big Smiley?” “I’m sure the queen’s as impressed as I am. That triple story house, that lady in her sixties, raising a precious baby, a cute cat and a big, big dog, how could you possibly asked for anything more?” “Growing up from a starving artist background, I appreciate what Keith said about a wealthy man can only drive one car and live in one house at a time. For those who have much, much should be expected.” “What is your take on how the Republicans will react on Obama’s end of the month proposition? Are you afraid they’ll actually throw the country into a depression?” “Walmart’s already worried about a cash flow slow down. Barack Obama’s pretty calm, while playing golf with Tiger Woods. They’re bluffing.” “Either that or they’re as dumb as they look.” “What they’re doing to Chuck Hagel is foolish enough. Imagine a full fledge peacemaker who has seen a bloody battlefield, keeping his head while all those around him— You’ve heard that?” “Are losing theirs’. In other words, mass hysteria. “I’ll never forget one of them, a pitiful old lady, I mean pitiful, dying in the hospital, told me the tea party is getting back her freedom. I asked what freedom had she lost since Obama was elected and she said she didn’t know but she wanted it back anyway.”
Posted on: Thu, 15 Jan 2015 12:09:59 +0000

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