Todays Capricorn Full Moon will add to the feeling of coming to a - TopicsExpress


Todays Capricorn Full Moon will add to the feeling of coming to a kind of crossroads with things. We have the watery Sun’s energy in Cancer balancing the Earthy Moon’s energy of Capricorn. Full Moons are about the “harvest” and completion, whereas New Moons are about beginnings. This Full Moon is also a Super Moon, which means the Moon is closest to the Earth and in direct alignment with Sun and Earth and thus adds an extra potent intensity. So with that more authoritarian, sometimes known as “karmic” Saturn energy, we are still taking our time to get through our “stuff”. And the message Capricorn knows well is “change or be changed”. The Capricorn Full Moon brings us a period of searching for deeper meaning in the things we are engaged in, including emotional and professional levels of our lives. Integrity is a highlight at this time and looking at how not only does something serve your personal joy, but also has the best interest of the highest good included, will bring about successes. You may feel the need to question things, manage your life better, become more determined and focused, start doing things that put your dreams into concrete actualization, and feel the need to create greater sense of personal security and stability from the inside out. Since Cancer is emotional and need-based, it is the feminine, inner, home and family, nurturing mother, receptive energy. Capricorn, on the other hand, is wisdom based, responsible, self-sufficient, purpose-focused, goal driven, your success in the world, and the spiritual father energy. So this Full Moon will have us asking ourselves where we are out of balance in these regards and where we may be suffering at the over-focus of one over the other. Ask yourself “What do I need to feel stronger, more healthy, centered, and secure?” And then realize that there is truly nothing outside of you that can feed these. All that you need is within and you CAN satisfy your own needs. It’s time to stop chasing needs and start feeling into yourself as to how you can fulfill those holes you feel. Become the driver of your own life and learn to have greater self love and healthy self focus that understands how this is simultaneously service-minded for the highest good benefiting everyone and everything around you. Saturn and Capricorn embody authoritative energy, but this is to teach you to empower yourself to become your own authority of your life. And as mentioned, they also help you to understand your limitations with the perspective of how they may actually support you into your strength, while acting from your greatest personal integrity. I’ve always felt that the things we fear have the potential to be our greatest teachers and gifts. (From my post: taniamarieartist.wordpress/2014/07/09/capricorn-full-moon-saturn-soon-to-go-direct-integrating-integrity-into-your-life/)
Posted on: Sat, 12 Jul 2014 16:14:52 +0000

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