Todays Cards : Lovers : The World : Magician : The Hierophant - TopicsExpress


Todays Cards : Lovers : The World : Magician : The Hierophant Full house of Trump cards today... mm powerful stuff... In the Mayan dreamspell we are on day 8 of the Storm wave catalyzing the changes, in the emotional field that reveals our essence self, the dream of the essence self such that we might awaken to our true purpose, align with the Divine Plan and evolve as a Humanity in the coming wave of Human. Our Human evolution is one of an awakening Emotional Intelligence. Emotional Intelligence is the restoration of the feminine principle, the water of LIFE... Life is a fluid journey, there is no life without water, we are largely water, and yet, we deny and repress our emotional nature, even suppress our fire, our instinctual animal nature, attempting to live solely in the realm of MIND, and without Heart, we can only be ego-driven. The journey home, has always been the journey from Mind to Heart. In the HeartSpace we connect to our Soul, our divine nature, we feel, and flow with the truth of our felt sense, our heart knowing. White - refining, Galactic - integrating, Worldbridger - death change rebirth renewal & multidimensional reality - the bigger picture, worlds within worlds, expansive connected, as above so below, the macro and micro. The integration point of the wave of Change is change of course, the changes that align us with the bigger picture that is unfolding. We have no choice but to surrender, we can simply choose to be guided by LOVE or succumb to fear and fail to see the beauty that is revealing itself in the Divine Plan. Lovers represent choices, the choice of love comes first within, as we unite the masculine and feminine within, feeling fully without fear, and through our feelings clarifying right action. Creating harmony and balance within, we can create harmony and balance in our relationships. With understanding and beauty paving the way of LOVE. Understanding is creating the space to grow, to know, allowing and expanding towards other, whether that is within, or in partnership or community. Beauty is much deeper than just appearances, beauty is truth. Lovers is the 6th card, 6 is the number of the tantric star, and therefore Divine Union, represents unconditional love and community - coming together as ONE. The World represents the Kingdom of God, heaven on earth. As we are guided by love, and choose love, create from LOVE ONLY. We access the Kingdom of God - heaven on earth - here & now, manifesting our essence dreams. A new cycle is about to begin. The Magician represents Mastery. With knowledge of the cosmic forces and the earthly forces, infinite knowledge, comes power. within the Tree of Life (Yggdrasil), Pathway 1 connects sephira Kether (1) keyword: understanding, with Binah (3) keyword: crown. The energy of The Magician combines understanding with creativity, to give us the necessary tools needed to manifest and create our own reality. Understanding begins within, know thyself. And to thine own self be true. This is the integrity - wholeness - and commitment to truth, that is required to be the change. To awaken the higher consciousness of a co creator. One hand of The Magician is gripping a wand (that of the ‘ego consciousness’) and pointing it upwards to the heavens, and the other is pointing down, signifying the drawing of power from a higher source, and directing it towards practical, earthly matters. The hand pointing to the Earth tells of the joining of spirit and matter and of bringing things to fruition. The Heirophant is the spiritual teacher who seeks to find a connection between the world of men and that of the gods. He is a ‘bridge builder’, forging the link between our material and spiritual worlds. Thus, the ancient word ‘pontifex’ or ‘maker of bridges’, was used to designate a priest. The Heirophant was an ‘initiating’ priest in ancient Greece. The Hierophant relates to the number 5. 5 carries the energies of freedom, change and curiosity. 5 is also the number of ‘humanity’ and this energy needs to be prepared to work for the human race whilst having the freedom to achieve this their own way. The Hierophant is able to open the doors for you to ‘know thyself’. Total inner-balance gives a wider view of the Divine Plan. You are able to determine your own spiritual truths by going within to your soul level. And so, the Heirophant is very much a Worldbridger, bridging the worlds within, to expand to the worlds beyond. Once we reach a level of self LOVE, we will come to know ourselves and the truth, more deeply, we will begin a new world - the new earth, and practice being masterful co-creators, initiating a new spiritual community, coming together in LOVE, compassion, creativity, empowered. Free. ONLY LOVE lights the way
Posted on: Sun, 12 Oct 2014 06:06:08 +0000

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