Todays Chapter from The Proverbs. Proverbs 20 Complete Jewish - TopicsExpress


Todays Chapter from The Proverbs. Proverbs 20 Complete Jewish Bible (CJB) 20 Wine is a mocker, strong liquor a rowdy; anyone led astray by it is unwise.2 The dread of a king is like when a lion roars; he who makes him angry commits a life-threatening sin.3 Avoiding quarrels brings a person honor; for any fool can explode in anger.4 A lazy person won’t plow in winter; so at harvest-time, when he looks, there is nothing.5 The heart’s real intentions are like deep water; but a person with discernment draws them out.6 Most people announce that they show kindness, but who can find someone faithful [enough to do it]?7 The righteous live a life of integrity; happy are their children after them.8 The king seated on his judgment throne can winnow out all evil with his glance.9 Who can say, “I have made my heart clean, I am cleansed from my sin”?10 False weights and false measures — Adonai detests them both.11 The character of even a child is known by how he acts, by whether his deeds are pure and right.12 The hearing ear and the seeing eye — Adonai made them both.13 If you love sleep, you will become poor; keep your eyes open, and you’ll have plenty of food.14 “Really bad stuff!” says the buyer [to the seller]; then he goes off and brags [about his bargain].15 A person may have gold and a wealth of pearls, but lips informed by knowledge are a precious jewel.16 Seize his clothes, because he guaranteed a stranger’s loan; take them as security for that unknown woman.17 Food obtained by fraud may taste good, but later the mouth is full of gravel.18 After consultation, plans succeed; so take wise advice when waging war.19 A gossip goes around revealing secrets, so don’t get involved with a talkative person.20 Whoever curses his father or mother — his lamp will go out in total darkness.21 Possessions acquired quickly at first will not be blessed in the end.22 Don’t say, “I’ll pay back evil for evil”; wait for Adonai to save you.23 Adonai detests a double standard in weights, and false scales are not good.24 A man’s steps are ordered by Adonai, so how can a person understand his own ways?25 It is a snare to dedicate a gift to God rashly and reflect on the vows only afterwards.26 A wise king winnows the wicked [from the righteous] and threshes them under the cartwheel.27 The human spirit is a lamp of Adonai; it searches one’s inmost being.28 Grace and truth preserve a king; with grace he upholds his throne.29 The pride of the young is their strength; the dignity of the old is gray hair.30 Blows that wound purge away evil, yes, beatings [cleanse] one’s inmost being.
Posted on: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 09:30:08 +0000

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