Todays Comedy Pro-Tip: What Makes a Good Comedian Website (As - TopicsExpress


Todays Comedy Pro-Tip: What Makes a Good Comedian Website (As always, feel free to share this with your friends, colleagues, and comedy groups) 1) The most professional URL is yourname. If its a hard to spell name, have something easy that forwards to it that you can drop on the radio or tell people quickly. i.e. My website is SteveHofstetter but PickSteve forwards to it. Never go with a .net or .tv or anything like that. Youll spend the rest of your life correcting people. 2) If your name is not available, get creative without getting cutesy, and pick something that can last. Something like TheOpenerWasFunny is great - until you stop opening. 3) Your calendar should be on your website and be 100% accurate. If someone ever goes to a show to see you and youre not there, you lose them forever. Also, dont put shows up unless you want people to go to them. (i.e. playing an open mic? Then list it as an open mic, or dont list it). 4) You dont need anything too fancy like SSL (security) unless youve got a merchant processor to accept credit cards (which can be done easier using paypal). Also, steer clear of flash - search engines cant index it. 5) Go for clean and easy to navigate over too much at once. No one can copyright code, so feel free to get ideas from other sites. 6) There should be an email list signup ON EVERY PAGE. Every extra click, you risk losing someone. Make it easy for them to be a fan. 7) Keep colors and design consistent. Also have it match your other promo materials. 8) There should be an easy Book button with booking encouragement. On your booking page, Id recommend quotes from people who have booked you in the past, other comics, etc. And video! 9) If you are featuring or headlining, you need some easy to access high res photos for media and bookers to use. Make them easy to find. Saves you time having to send them individually, makes you more professional, and gives you control over what they choose from. 10) Do not, under any circumstances, cheap out. Do not, under any circumstances, hire someone that you need to update your website for you. If youre not web savvy, they need to build you a backend to make updating your content easy. I have heard way too many stories about how someones web guy disappeared and now their site is being held hostage. Im sure theres more than that. But that covers enough for now. Hugs.
Posted on: Sat, 29 Nov 2014 23:28:56 +0000

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