Todays Daily Devotion: β€œDo all your work in love.” 1 - TopicsExpress


Todays Daily Devotion: β€œDo all your work in love.” 1 Corinthians 16:14 (TEV) The apostle Paul says, β€œDo all your work in love.” He doesn’t say some of your work but all of your work. He also says that no matter β€œwhat I do, Im bankrupt without love.” 1 Corinthians 13:3 (MSG). The point is, any job can be turned into worship when it is built on the model of Christs love; that love is expressed to co-workers, clients, and customers. Mother Teresa said, β€œIt’s not what you do so much that matters, but how much love you put into it.” Think about it like this: Two-thirds of the word β€œcareer” is C-A-R-E. The English philanthropist John Ruskin once said, β€œWhen love and skill come together, expect a masterpiece.” So, I want you to pray a prayer every day this week β€” whether its at home or at school, in your backyard, or at an office or wherever you work. I want you to pray, β€œFather, today I want to worship you through my work. I want to express my gifts. I want to do it as if Im doing it for you, and I want to do it in love. β€œSo then, my friends, because of Gods great mercy to us I appeal to you: Offer yourselves as a living sacrifice to God, dedicated to his service and pleasing to him. This is the true worship that you should offer” (Romans 12:1 TEV).
Posted on: Thu, 27 Feb 2014 11:17:32 +0000

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