Todays Devotion Topic: An Essential Prayer Text: Mark - TopicsExpress


Todays Devotion Topic: An Essential Prayer Text: Mark 14:36 Abba, Father, He cried out, everything is possible for you. Please take this cup of suffering away from me. Yet I want your will to be done, not mine. Amen. Its been said that the best person to tell the use of an invention is the inventor himself. Without a doubt, every human being has been created for a purpose which must be fulfilled by the end of his or her life. It is amazing, however, that very few of us actually make conscious efforts to know the purpose for which we exist in this world. We are created with a free personal will, yet our Creator also has a master plan which He desires us to follow in every area of life. Our Lord Jesus Christ had known this throughout His entire life on earth, so a few hours to His arrest and crucifixion, even though He desired to forgo the cup of suffering, He surrendered His will to the ultimate will of the Almighty God. About 33 years earlier, His mother Mary had responded to the angel sent to her by saying, I am the Lords servant. Be it unto me according to your Word. (Luke 1:38) Just like mother and son, we as Christians need to return to that place where we can continually pray; God, Let Your Will Be Done In My Life! Because as humans, we can make many plans but it is the counsel and purpose of God that will prevail (Prov.19:21). Beloved, commit all your actions to the Lord, and your plans will succeed (Prov.16:3). Stop seeking your own way through issues and begin to pray that Gods will would be done in every aspect of your life.
Posted on: Wed, 08 Oct 2014 04:44:48 +0000

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