Todays Devotion Topic: Bearing good fruits. Text: John - TopicsExpress


Todays Devotion Topic: Bearing good fruits. Text: John 15:1-2 I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful. Amen. Ideally, everybody likes to be associated with what is acclaimed as good or productive. Families are constanly socializing their young so that they will live uprightly to bring glory to the family. They teach their young to go to school to excel and gain good social status. This practice over the years have produced family names that have become very influencial in the society. Every tree derives its glory from the types of flowers or fruits that appear on the branch. A tree that produces fruits in its season is regarded as a productive tree and is much loved. Jesus draws our attention from this analogy to remind us of our duties as believers. Since we are the branches of the true vine, who is Jesus, what we do either brings glory or disregard to Him. Bearing good fruits requires that we remain connected to the Father and live godly lives that attract others to Christ. The world observes us with interest. When our lives show forth beautiful God-scented flowers they come close to partake of the divine nature of Christ. When we are dry and unproductive, we have not been useful to e Lord. The Gardener (God) will cut us off. Make a decision that your life must and will bear fruit to attract other to the Christ whose you are. Those that are weary can see your fruits from afar and draw closer to Jesus and take rest under His shade. Why should you be cut off for wasting the nutrients provided by the because you dont produce good fruits. Begin to pray now. Ask for grace to continue to remain connected to the vine. In Him comes all the necessary nutrients for fruit bearing (patience, grace, divine protect, wisdom, knowledge etc). He needs your life to draw attention to the lost that HE IS THE ONLY WAY. Hes counting on the fruits you bear to achieve that. See you at church. We will be downloading from Him (God) every grace required for fruit bearing. Dont stay away. (; Like our Facebook page; Y Outreach Network)
Posted on: Sun, 28 Sep 2014 01:29:44 +0000

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