Todays Devotion Topic: Fix Your Eyes On Him. Text: Ruth 1: 3- - TopicsExpress


Todays Devotion Topic: Fix Your Eyes On Him. Text: Ruth 1: 3- 5 3 Now Elimelech, Naomis husband, died, and she was left with her two sons.4 They married Moabite women, one named Orpah and the other Ruth. After they had lived there about ten years, 5 both Mahlon and Kilion also died, and Naomi was left without her two sons and her husband. Amen Like every responsible husband will be tempted to do, Elimelech moved his family from the land of Israel where there was famine and settled them in a better land (Moab). But sometimes, it is better to dwell in a blessed land (Israel) even if times are hard than to seek fortunes at the dwellings of the ungodly. Although the idea was to dwell in Moab a short while, Elimelech and his two sons didnt live to see the land of Israel again. They died and were buried in the land of Moab. He was survived by his wife Naomi, and the wives of her two sons; Ruth and Orpah. Beloved, sometimes life can be cruel. It can hand you a storm that seems too heavy to bear. All your plans and ambitions can crumple before your very eyes without warning. Before you would fully recover from one such terrible storm, another hits your doors unexpectedly. With tears running down your face, you helplessly watch your world collapse - with no hope to ever rise again. Whenever you begin to feel this low; without hope, QUICKLY LIFT YOUR GAZE OFF THE CIRCUMSTANCE AND FIX YOUR EYES ON HIM! You see; God feels exactly the way you feel. He is not some God in heaven watching you as you deal with your pain. He feels the very pain you feel. This is because you are His dwelling place - He lives in you. You are a JOINT heir with Christ, remember? Whatever affects you automatically affects Him too. That is why He desires to bring you out of this mess just as much as you do. You are His responsibility! Just fix your eyes on Him. He will keep your heart from failing. He will wipe your tears off. He will stop the irregular beatings of your heart. He will make sure you are safe. He will pick you into His loving arms so that you dont fret. He will speak encouraging words to you so that your confidence is restored. He will also show you how to recover, and give you the ability to do so. THE REST IS HIS JOB! He will step ahead of you to deal with that opportunistic devil who may have either started this or who may just want to take advantage of your circumstance to steal your joy. Then He directs all channels of blessing in your favour. BEFORE YOU KNOW, ALL THAT WHICH WAS MEANT FOR YOUR BAD...HAS TURNED FOR YOU GOOD. Naomis reality was that shed lost everyone and everything except her daughter-in-law, Ruth. And yes, it was the availability of Ruth God needed to restore the fortunes of Naomi. Just fix your eyes on JESUS, not the problem- HE IS THE ANSWER. Begin to pray now. ( Like Facebook page: Y Outreach Network)
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 04:39:36 +0000

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