Todays Devotion Topic: The Love Of Money! Text: Hebrews 13.5 - TopicsExpress


Todays Devotion Topic: The Love Of Money! Text: Hebrews 13.5 5 Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have,because God has said,“Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.” Amen There comes that time when a person must pulse, reflect and then make certain decisions that should change his or her life forever. One of such positive decisions a person can make is to keep away from the love of money. Money is sweet to enjoy. Those who have few, really wish they had more to brighten their lives. Those who have more, wish they had much more to control their world and destiny. Money appears to promise an end to all of lifes problems and offer a better tomorrow. It serves as security and defense in the face of opposition and makes all dreams and aspirations look achievable. Money also allows the implementation of any idea, good or bad, that floods the mind of its bearer. This makes it VERY EASY FOR PEOPLE TO LOVE MONEY RATHER THAN GOD. And guess what? All of us are susceptible to this dangerous illusion except for those who BEAT THEMSELVES DOWN TO GODLINESS. They have a heart for God and mankind rather than to be controlled by money. You see, money itself is not the problem here. As a matter of fact, it could be a blessing from God. The obsession and discontentment people have about money is the problem. For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs (1 Tim 6: 10) Therefore be grateful and content with what you have. For the Lord has promised never to leave you nor forsake you. He will not let us fall. He knows our needs and He cares. Jesus is Himself our sufficiency. Tell this to the young lady who is close to offering her body to that perverse man for money. Also, share this the youngman whose friends are influencing him to become a fraudster. Remind the employee who is tempted to cheat the company to make extra income that, many who took that path have been pierced with griefs. Scream to this money conscious generation that money does not save, JESUS SAVES! Begin to pray now. Why dont you love God instead of money. His blessings maketh rich and He adds no sorrow to it (Prov 10: 22). Ask for grace to appreciate what you have while you trust Him for what is yet to come. REMEMBER, GODLINESS WITH CONTENTMENT IS A GREAT GAIN (1 Tim 6:6) (, like our Facebook page: Y OUTREACH NETWORK)
Posted on: Wed, 21 Jan 2015 07:29:19 +0000

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