Todays Devotional: INFECTIOUS LOVE Good morning! May waves and - TopicsExpress


Todays Devotional: INFECTIOUS LOVE Good morning! May waves and waves of His goodness fill your life to where there is no room left inside of you but to let it spill out all over the world. Gods love cant be contained in just a few people, its too expanse and ever searching to find more to bring into its fellowship of embrace. Therefore, you cant possibly hold this kind of love selfishly inside or privately in your preferred group! I dare say that anyone who Has Him in their heart are the easiest of all peoples to detect. Why? Because they have merged their whole life into that divine love themselves holding nothing of it back, making it more contagious, and making the whole world love sick. Oh, how we need such a fever to breakout everywhere! If The Lord dwells in you, and Im confident that He does, then enlarge your capacity to experience Him to the fullest where He can overflow your cup and satiate the thirst of the many desert dwellers, that they too may be revived by His unmeasurable love. Living waters are springs of purest life within hearts that rises ever higher in mercies and charitableness to all who would dare take the lid off of their own hearts and become another reservoir of eternal drink for the masses of thirsty people. GOT DRINK? ~ Dad~ Joyfully you’ll pull up buckets of water from the wells of salvation. And as you do it, you’ll say, “Give thanks to God. Call out his name. Ask him anything! Shout to the nations, tell them what he’s done, spread the news of his great reputation! (Isaiah 12:3, 4 MSG)
Posted on: Tue, 12 Nov 2013 13:35:58 +0000

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