Todays Devotional: WHEN BLESSINGS ARE IN THE CORRECTION Good - TopicsExpress


Todays Devotional: WHEN BLESSINGS ARE IN THE CORRECTION Good morning! We are loved by a Father who always knows what we have need of in every situation of our lives. And this does not always appear to be so when we are deprived of those obvious blessings that are written in Gods Word. What I mean is, today the church heralds the mantra, God is good! and I dont disagree with that statement at all as to its truest meaning. But theres another side to Gods goodness to which has mostly caused confusion in the church, and that of course, is the correcting side of God. The confusion is not from God, but rather comes from people who are one dimensional in how they want to see God. And this visual of Him by most people is always that Hes going to bless me irregardless of how I act, or what Ive done. Why do people presume to do this? Because God is good. Theres no argument that Gods good, but our interpretation of good may be a bit skewed. We do this because we come to God in the beginning as a sinner undeserving to anything God offers us. In other words, He pardons us from all of our past and present sins at that moment of conversion. Now here is where things go tragically wrong if I presume that any wrong I commit afterwards that willfully violates Gods commands falls under that first time pardon. Anyone whose been born again understands the richness of being forgiven at that moment when they first met the Fathers enormous sacrifice for those who respond to His love through Jesus Christ. Hands down, this is the greatest demonstration of Gods goodness that forever sticks in the hearts of those who have experienced it. But as it often happens to those wrapped up in flesh, our familiarity of significant things often grows complacent within us which leads to distraction away from the importance of the rules. And God has rules despite His notable mercifulness and His goodness. Break the rules, and the consequences will follow, its a universal principle. Sonship does not exempt us from these laws. Thus, we discover the reason for the confusion within many of the believers minds today, they simply expect Gods goodness to override the ramifications of their willful disobedience to which they should have known better to start with, and therefore, they expect to receive blessings irregardless and never once be punished. Untrue! Unbiblical and unscriptural on all accounts! The other day my youngest daughter sent me a picture of a letter that my granddaughter wrote to her as she pleaded to get out of her punishment. Without a doubt my granddaughter knows her mother is a good mommy, but breaking her rules comes with consequences. And even at the age of seven, isnt it amazing how we seek a blessing even though we broke the rules? ~Dad~ And have you forgotten the encouraging words God spoke to you as his children? He said, “My child, don’t make light of the lord ’s discipline, and don’t give up when he corrects you. For the lord disciplines those he loves, and he punishes each one he accepts as his child.” As you endure this divine discipline, remember that God is treating you as his own children. Who ever heard of a child who is never disciplined by its father? If God doesn’t discipline you as he does all of his children, it means that you are illegitimate and are not really his children at all. Since we respected our earthly fathers who disciplined us, shouldn’t we submit even more to the discipline of the Father of our spirits, and live forever? For our earthly fathers disciplined us for a few years, doing the best they knew how. But God’s discipline is always good for us, so that we might share in his holiness. No discipline is enjoyable while it is happening—it’s painful! But afterward there will be a peaceful harvest of right living for those who are trained in this way. (Hebrews 12:5-11 NLT).
Posted on: Wed, 19 Mar 2014 13:23:22 +0000

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