Todays Devotional: WITHOUT A CLEAR UNDERSTANDING OF YOUR ORIGIN, RIGOR MORTIS WILL TAKE OVER YOUR PURPOSE Good morning! Did you know that we are able in most cases to trace from where we came from in this life? In other words, where we were born, and to whom it was that we were born to. I do realize that there are some cases where through adoption and other measures this may be a bit more difficult to prove out, but the fact is, you came into this world through a biological father and mother. No one can come into this world humanly speaking and be a part of it without the process of a male and a female coming together whether unexpectedly producing an unplanned child (which I personally came into this world that way without knowing my biological father until a few years ago); or by way of a father and a mother who conceived an intended child they planned on and they lovingly wanted. This is how we all came into this world, at least from a physical standpoint. But is there some place further back that we actually came from? Well, the Bible is the only Source where we can truthfully answer such questions. So lets start with a passage found over in the book of Romans: For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he (Jesus) might be the firstborn among many brethren. Moreover whom he did predestinate, them he also called: and whom he called, them he also justified: and whom he justified, them he also glorified. (Romans 8:29, 30 KJV). Now, Im not attempting to establish the doctrine where God called some to be His children and others He called to be the devils children. There are those who teach this type of privilege and election, but I believe there is too much Scripture that disputes this strongly. For in one BIG example that I will use to contest that doctrine is: the Bible tells us that God is not willing that ANY should perish, but rather, that they ALL might receive life through His Son Jesus. But getting back to my question, can we look further back than just our biological parents and find that we have traveled from a much further place? Well, once again only Gods Word can help us with such questions that this life in human form cant answer. What does it say: Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou came forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations. (Jeremiah 1:5 KJV). I must quickly add here before the predestination bunch jumps in and says, see here! this is proof that some are called by election and not everyone is called as such. Yet again, the Bible teaches that God is not a respect of persons. In other words, He cant tell us that statement from His Word, and then turn around and tell us that He only has certain people He has chosen to be His children. That would make life robotic and with no true free will for man. Thus the whole premise of obeying the commandments of God would be a pointless issue, much more confusing, then why send His Son to die for us if we are already either His or not? Therefore, this would mean whoever loved God, really couldnt love Him out of their own heart because they would have been programmed to do so. My question at that is, who would ever including God, would want to experience love that was programmed verses someone with a free will and they chose to love me? Listen up! God doesnt play favorites, He gives everyone a chance to use their free will however they choose. This is ultimately why God sent Jesus (the Word made in the flesh), to show us the truth about who it is that has always loved us, and that He loved us from the very beginning, because we originally came from Him. In fact, the Bible points out clearly where our origin began. Then shall the dust [out of which God made mans body] return to the earth as it was, and the spirit shall return to God Who gave it. (Ecclesiastes 12:7 AMP). I love reading Gods Word because it settles the confusion this world often creates through logic and human reasoning. For instance, when children born into this world are told they were mistakes simply because of the immorality of that childs biological parents. Yet, according to Gods Word, there are no mistakes when it comes to the spirits of children who enter this world no matter how they arrived. They are just told these constant lies by other broken and wandering vessels who were told the same lies, and it is here that they begin a lifetime hearing and believing more lies about who they are. Thus, God who loves us, wrapped Himself up in the same form of a human just like us, and He did it this way because its what we all identify ourselves with while in our blindness, we trust the flesh because its what we see and know most. But as we see Him, that of course being (Jesus through the image of who He is as seen in the Word) and how He lived differently than the way every other man lives, we see something wonderfully divine that pulls on our spiritual instincts that seemingly reminds us that theres more to this story of life, and especially our own, then what we came to believe through so many lies. I get excited every time I open the Word of God and discover more truths that dispel the many lies that this world has promoted in me. My joy is the joy of knowing Im not a mistake and never was; my peace, is a peace that nothing can ever again separate me from my true Father who always watched for my return from the valley of shadow of death. Who also desires to witness mine and your resurrection from those many lies as to our origin that essentially once produced a rigor mortis in our purpose, but can now finally rise up if in Christ, and live in newness by the spirit just like Jesus did. My love today, is a love that first came from my Fathers heart who created me out of that same love with a divine purpose from the very beginning. And then through that same image of His Son Christ Jesus revealed to me, I realize I too was sent into this world as a spirit from God now presently wrapped up in the form of a man to once again for the sake of others who have fallen for the same lies of corruption that I did before looking into the Book of Life and discovering who I really am, can flesh out the Word of God where lost men can see who it is that truly loves them. And come know that it is God the Father who cares for them and always has, and finally discover from where they originated. From the heart of God, and not from the father of lies. ~Dad~
Posted on: Mon, 17 Mar 2014 15:51:55 +0000

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