Todays Facebook moment was brought to you by the word Debacle : - TopicsExpress


Todays Facebook moment was brought to you by the word Debacle : de·ba·cle Pronunciation: \dē-ˈbä-kəl, di-, -ˈba-; ÷ˈde-bə-kəl\ Variant(s): also dé·bâ·cle \also dā-ˈbäk(lə)\ Function: noun Etymology: French débâcle, from débâcler to clear, from Middle French desbacler, from des- de- + bacler to block, perhaps from Vulgar Latin *bacculare, from Latin baculum staff Date: 1802 1 : a breakup of ice in a river 2 : a violent (as of an army) : rout 3 a : a great b : a complete failure : fiasco
Posted on: Wed, 30 Oct 2013 15:10:24 +0000

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