Todays Global Warming Rant Absent any actually observable - TopicsExpress


Todays Global Warming Rant Absent any actually observable evidence of warming, or evidence warming if it exists would be bad, we are supposed to happily surrender more freedoms and tax dollars to this high priest caste of social re-engineering scientific doomsayers who at this point are something like 0 for 175 over the past 4 decades. Not adding any confidence is this moronic repetition of the bogus 97% statistic which has been deconstructed and shown as flatly false numerous times from numerous corners. Considering the infamous East Anglia emails discussed specifically how to suppress dissenting viewpoints as well as how to finesse statistical chicanery plus the recent retirement of a leading anti Warming Climate Scientist due to flacks screaming for ideological purity, one would think any rational person would ask a few pointed questions before leaping aboard the-sky-is-falling train to Warmville. One can always sense desperation by the way in which the shrill insistings of consensus rachet up. Coming short months after numerous international articles began to predict the end of the warming argument due to the utter failure of every prediction they have made, the new tactic appears to have shifted to repetition and volume and false statistics. Declare victory and make the whole thing about the others supposed refusal to see the truth. The average of 100 climate models have us 10 degrees warmer globally with sea levels also considerably higher, yet the brain trust who insist science is on their side can give no answer for their very unscientific clinging to theories which have not proved out. We in fact have science which above all is a method which demands that theories be borne out being misused as a political and social tool for compulsion rather than what it is.
Posted on: Wed, 28 May 2014 23:18:49 +0000

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