Todays Hashimoment: The Most Important Person For Your - TopicsExpress


Todays Hashimoment: The Most Important Person For Your Care Hey, people! I often receive emails and messages from people lamenting that there are no good doctors in their area. They tell me that the doctors that they work with dont get it, dont perform the correct tests, dont understand the role of diet and dont have a clue about how to treat autoimmune disease. And in many instances, this may be true. But, unfortunately, this is a distraction from a larger, more important truth. And that is that you are, by far, the most important person for your care. Putting so much time and energy into being dissatisfied about your doctor is not going to improve your quality of life or your condition one bit. Even the best doctor (one who has a lot of experience treating Hashimotos and who knows what to look for, what to evaluate and how to treat - that sounds like someone I know ) cant live with you 24/7 and make the right decisions for you. At the end of the day, there are several very important things that are entirely in your control that can guide in what your doing. Firstly, with Hashimotos what you feel is diagnostically relevant and clinically significant. You dont need a doctor to tell you how you feel. Laboratory tests are imperfect at best and downright useless in some cases and this is true for many reasons. Trust how you feel. If you routinely feel like crap, then what youre doing isnt working. You need to make some changes. Secondly, lifestyle choices have the most significant impact on how you feel and how this disease progresses. The most important? Here are the 3 Horsemen of the Hashimotos Apocalypse: 1. Diet: Hashimotos is an autoimmune disease. About 70% of your immune system is located in your digestive tract. What goes on there has a huge impact on how the rest of this goes. Find your dietary triggers and eliminate them, 100%. Dont play the sort of - almost game. Commit. 2. Blood Sugar Imbalances: If you have a sugar habit or you are hypoglycemic, or some combination of those, this will be your undoing. Its that important. Stop making excuses for why you need sugar or why its justifiable or how honey or maple syrup is better because its natural. Or how you need it because youve been deprived of everything else. For Hashimotos, sugar and sugar imbalances are very destructive. 2. Stress: Stress kills normal people. If you have Hashimotos stress can take you out. Of the hundreds of people with Hashimotos I have worked with, I cant recall a single instance where someone said stress was not a factor in the onset of their disease. Not one. When you have an autoimmune disease, your body is constantly under a great deal of physiological stress, add emotional stressors and abnormally stressful events and you have a recipe for disaster. The interesting thing is that this unholy trinity are all related and, often, go hand in hand. They are also, largely, in your control and you dont need a doctor or the right tests to know that they are having a huge impact on your quality of life and the progression of this disease. So, take a moment to do an in depth personal inventory of these three things. Note where you are failing to deal with them. Make fixing them your highest priority. And be grateful that there is so much that you can do to control this. And if you need help or advice, you know where to find me. (That was some tough love. :) )
Posted on: Wed, 08 Oct 2014 04:43:37 +0000

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