Todays Inspiration... The other day I saw a TV show that was on - TopicsExpress


Todays Inspiration... The other day I saw a TV show that was on and it had different clips of all of the old teen idol bands and even one individual that sang and had a knack for shaking his hips while singing. Many teenagers and even grown ups screamed and passed out over the excitement of seeing them. To say the least, these people were actually idolized by thousands. It would be amazing to see as many down on their knees and giving Jesus as much attention. How easy it is for us to forget about our creator who gave us so much. Could any of these superstars give you a perfect sunset or the rushing waters of a water fall or the majesty of angels? When John came face to face with angels, they were beyond anything he had ever seen before. He fell facedown to worship them. Swiftly one of the angels rebuked him, (see that you dont do that). For I am your fellow servant....Worship God...The angel reminded John that only God is worthy of worship. Is there anything that gets more of your attention than God gets? God created the heavens and the earth to reveal His glory. Dont allow creation to eclipse and steal the worship God desires and deserves. Our feelings of awe can increase our worship of God. The brilliant radiance of a sunset reminds us of His radiance. The crashing of waves reminds us of His power. If we miss the point. God is greater, God is stronger. Who or what are you worshiping today?.....Luke 4:8 says And Jesus said to him, Get behind Me, Satan, For it is written, you shall worship the Lord your God, and Him only you shall serve.
Posted on: Fri, 07 Mar 2014 04:32:09 +0000

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