Todays Inspiring Thought: God is All-Powerful I was truly - TopicsExpress


Todays Inspiring Thought: God is All-Powerful I was truly blessed last Sunday by Pastor Getrude Majaliwa’s preaching. She had continued from where Pastor Ahmed Ngombo left off on the series of the Character of God as our cornerstone. Ps Getrude talked about OMNIPOTENCE OF GOD [God being all powerful] and one of many verses that she quoted was Genesis 18:14 -Is anything too hard for the Lord? She reminded us that God has all the power to do anything He wills. Today I want to refer to the same verse [Gen 18:4] , which assures us that there is nothing that is too hard for the Lord and that includes changing our characters. We all agree that change is difficult… you may recognize a shortcoming in your character and want to overcome it, but so far youve failed. Change is too hard when you try to do it without God. God supplies everything we need for successful change, and when we make changes with His help, we stay changed. Brethren, I know we sometimes get discouraged trying to improve on our own, but remember that if we go to God for help, we have the greatest power in existence on our side. God wants to mold us into the character of His Son, Jesus Christ. We may see that as an impossible job, but God can transform us. If we cooperate, He can make us kinder, wiser, more patient, and more loving. Where are you now? Is there something wrong in your life you need to change? Remember this: If you believe youre on a dead end street, you can turn around. God will show you how to make a legal U-turn, and then He will keep giving you directions through His Word, the Bible. He will gently guide you on the way you should go, and He will stick with you through traffic jams and trouble along the way. The Holy Spirit’s role is to help you change your character into that of Christ, but He needs your permission and cooperation. He knows exactly what needs to be changed and how to do it. The choice is simple, really: unlimited help from God, or no help. Does it make sense to turn down the assistance of the most loving, most powerful being in the universe who has only your best interests at heart? Let us allow God to take over and see what happens. Have a wonderful Wednesday my dear friends and thank you for reading the word of God … Kierra Kiki Sheard
Posted on: Tue, 07 Oct 2014 19:52:53 +0000

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