Todays Lesson(s) Learned: Ask the question, youll get an answer. - TopicsExpress


Todays Lesson(s) Learned: Ask the question, youll get an answer. Sometimes you get what you wish for. Yesterday I went home to CT for some family stuff and to help my mom and dad out after my moms hip surgery. (Sidebar: She is now doing just fine.) I thought last minute of packing an overnight bag just in case. Turned out that I did stay over. Points for me for thinking ahead. This morning while getting ready I decided against a shower figuring I would just take one once I got home. Threw on my comfy clothes, ran my fingers through my hair (literally) and skipped the make-up. I said out loud (once again literally) Who am I going to see?. Well the universe answered. My dad and I walked into the rehab facility where my mom is staying and who do I see but the love of my life from Kindergarten through Second Grade...Ken Kirk. Fortunately I think I looked hideous enough that he didnt recognize me. Who am I kidding he knew who I was. We exchanged hellos and I broke into a sprint to get to my mothers room as fast as possible. Upon my departure all I could think about was getting home, seeing my puppies and taking that shower. When I arrived my babies greeted me. We went outside quickly so I could say hello to Jon. Mya and Rusty took off for a game of chase....through the muddy hole Jon dug earlier. My wished for shower included a doggie carwash complete with muddy footprints EVERYWHERE!
Posted on: Sun, 05 Oct 2014 01:19:27 +0000

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