Todays Mediation is about Miraculous Attraction from Deepak - TopicsExpress


Todays Mediation is about Miraculous Attraction from Deepak Chopra The secret of attraction is remarkably simple. It can be summarized in a single line from the Latin poet Ovid: “To be loved, be lovable.” A lovable person is natural and authentic, radiating the light of awareness and love that we explored in yesterday’s meditation. The second “secret” is one we have already discussed at length: You are already lovable. There is nothing you have to do make yourself more lovable or attractive other than to let go of any unloving thoughts that you have about yourself. That which you seek you already are. In today’s meditation we will put our attention on the divine qualities that are closest to our heart and that we wish to attract in our relationships—including love, peace, trust, compassion, joy, passion, inspiration, thoughtfulness, and generosity. Our centering thought for today is: I attract that which I am.
Posted on: Thu, 15 Aug 2013 00:11:25 +0000

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