Todays Message: Crisis Situation. Part 1. Weve seen a lot of - TopicsExpress


Todays Message: Crisis Situation. Part 1. Weve seen a lot of crises in our time. The Cuban Missile Crisis. The Oil Crisis. The Crisis in the Gulf. All of these have one thing in common: theyre HUGE!! These crises are major, global events that can adversely affect the entire world in as little as one day. We tend to worry about these, but what about the major crises in our personal life and our walk with Jesus? In these four messages, Im going to write about what a crisis is, how it affects you as a Christian, and what you can do to alleviate that crisis. My source for these messages is a booklet called, Crisis Survival Guide: Facing Crisis, Finding Hope, by Kris DenBesten. This little booklet came from a lawyers office, ironically, yet it has many Bible passages in it. I found much useful information here. CRISIS: plural, crises--A difficult or dangerous situation that needs serious attention. An emotionally significant event or radical change of status in a persons life . An unstable or crucial time or state of affairs in which a decisive change is impending; especially : one with the distinct possibility of a highly undesirable outcome . A situation that has reached a critical phase . A crisis doesnt just happen--POW!--its there and in your face. Crises start out small and build up in a matter of days, weeks or months. A serious crisis can come in mere minutes or hours. We can feel overwhelmed. We can feel helpless, vulnerable, out of control. I can address this to my reader from a few messages ago: we can feel abandoned, like God has turned His back on us. Like God has simply said, Enough. Im not going to help you anymore. NONE of this is true. God will never abandon you or leave you. Joshua 1:9: says, Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified, do not be discouraged, for the Lord, your God will be with you wherever you go. Ive said this in many of my messages, and it rings true yet again here: you cant gain control UNTIL YOU GIVE GOD CONTROL! Once you release it all, and give it to God, everything will fall neatly into place. God hasnt abandoned you. In fact, Holy Scripture gives God the name Immanuel which means, God is with us. Do you STILL think Hes abandoned you? I have more. Psalms 91:2 reads, Those who live in the shelter of The Most High will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty. This I declare about the Lord; He alone is my refuge, my place of safety. He is my God and I trust Him. So why are you so worried about every little thing that rattles your cage? Dont be worried! Place it all in the hands of God, and FOCUS on Him! Instead of asking WHY this crisis is happening, ask God, Okay, I have this coming at me, but what kind of miracle do You have planned for me? Hell reveal the miracle Hes working, what plan Hes revealing, and what Hes teaching us through the crisis or challenge Hes sending us. Jeremiah 29:11 tells us, For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not harm you; plans to give you hope and a future. Focus on God, and focus on moving forward instead of wondering the how, when, where and why this crisis happened or is happening. PRAISE Him in the storm!! Remember all the good things Hes sent you, and how good you felt when God heard you and answered you! God has blessed you in the past, and will continue to bless you in future!! Ill close today with the prayer from the booklet: Mighty God, I know that You are with me. You understand the fury that surrounds me. I cant face this journey alone. I will place my trust in You. Lift me up and carry me in Your arms. Rescue me. Be my refuge. Be my strength! Radiate Your peace and courage within me. I now release my burden to You. You are my Protector. You are my Provider. You are all I need. I thank You for Your bountiful blessings. I thank You for what You are doing in the midst of my pain. You are my Fortress. You are my Hope. YOU ARE MY GOD!!! Amen!! Blessings! Don.
Posted on: Sat, 27 Sep 2014 23:31:07 +0000

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