Todays Message: Give It Away...To God! I was given a message - TopicsExpress


Todays Message: Give It Away...To God! I was given a message today, but I cant quite get the meaning of it. Perhaps you could help me. God wants me to tell you that everything is going the way it should, and that we shouldnt be afraid. This whole world is in turmoil, but God says not to worry; Hes going to take care of it...and us. Why is this message being relayed to me? I worry. I worry too much. Every day of my life, I worry about this and that, and my mind still ticks and whirs with all the plans and schemes I have yet to hatch. Gods telling me, Why are you doing this? Do you think you can handle this better than I can? Do you think I CANT do something? Place your trust in Me. I can do all things. I wish I could make it this easy. Folks, I havent been myself these last few days. I havent slept well, nor have I eaten well. Im way out of sorts. This is what stress and worry do; cause you to tear your body up for no good reason. Place all your troubles in the Hands of God. This is what my dear friend Pastor Dave did; for a short time, he was wondering if he had to come to grips with the fact that he had cancer. He and his wife Char prayed for Gods intervention..... .....and it happened! The last biopsy showed no signs of any cancerous growth. Now, I know Dave and Char were CONCERNED over this possibility....BUT....they DIDNT get stressed out and worry over it. They simply placed it in the Hands of God. They gave it to God in prayer, and God, in His infinite love, took care of the matter. Yes...He is THAT GOOD!!! How I wish my faith were as strong as theirs! Im going to tell it like it is: Im just too damned human for my own good! Its that simple. Perhaps the message Im writing for you is actually meant for ME. What do you think, dear readers? How can I re-engergize my faith, make it stronger, so that I can place my worries in the Hands of God and let Him take care of them? Moreover...will I EVER learn that nothing is impossible for God? Or am I that dumb that it just wont sink in? Maybe one of my readers from here in America or someone from another part of the world can help with some input. Were not in control: God is. We dont make the decisions of whats going to happen to us spiritually: God does. By whose will do we live? Gods. Instead of dragging your feet and giving all kinds of lame excuses, put it all in the Hands of God, and let Him do all things the way HE planned them to go. This way that Im going (and Im sure there are others that are doing the same thing I am) is like trying to teach a pig to sing. All youre going to do is waste your time and irritate the pig. Give it to God. It works a lot better! Blessings! Don.
Posted on: Tue, 19 Nov 2013 02:42:13 +0000

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