Todays Message: IS OUR LIFE REVOLVING AROUND SELF OR - TopicsExpress


Todays Message: IS OUR LIFE REVOLVING AROUND SELF OR GOD? Praise the Lord!! “ Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. ” (Matthew 6:33) Jesus wants us to be God-centered and not self-centered. He tells us a parable to explain His point, that a mans life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions.(Luke 12:13-21) Let’s imagine what the man in this parable would look like in the twenty-first century. He would have probably had a modest education. He always worked hard. From his first job as a junior clerk he gradually worked his way up the corporate ladder. He became wealthy. He had a lovely house in the country with two acres and a gleaming new Jaguar car in the drive. His children had their best education in the best school in the city and his wife too was intelligent. He had invested a lot of money in shares. To cap it all, he retired early with a fat bank balance. One day he was lying in the swimming pool sipping champagne and thinking, “You are very lucky, you have everything you have dreamed of. You’ve made it. Take life easy, eat, drink, and be merry.” But suddenly God takes away his spirit from him and he is dead. To us, this man looks like the complete self-made man. He is a success in every sense. But what does God say? “You fool!”(verse 20) Why? Not because he is wealthy. The Bible is not against wealth. Not even because he saved money. The Bible encourages us to be prudent and wise in our possessions and money. The reason he is a fool is because he has not given God even a second look. His world revolved around himself. His life consisted in the abundance of his wealth. We do not know what he was like. He must have been a nice person. But he was self-centered rather than God-centered. Dear friends, Jesus warns us through this parable that life has a more important purpose and that is to be rich towards God. People were made and designed for relationship with God, to enjoy and delight in Him forever. If we are not doing that, then we may have missed the entire point. We may be successful with all the world’s credentials attached to our name but to have no room for God is to be a total fool! So let us re- evaluate our life-style and put God and His kingdom first. PRAYER: Dear Lord, let my priority be Your kingdom. Let me be rich towards God which means not worrying about my material wealth but to trust You. It also means using my wealth for your kingdom and Your purposes. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.
Posted on: Mon, 02 Dec 2013 13:02:02 +0000

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