Todays Nakshatra since 7:50am in Los Angeles, - TopicsExpress


Todays Nakshatra since 7:50am in Los Angeles, CA Anuradha Scorpio 3’20” to Scorpio 16’40” Meaning: Success / After Radha Symbol: A Staff/ A Lotus Flower Deity: Mitra (God of Friendship) Ruling Planet of the Nakshatra: Saturn Ruling Planet of the Sign(s): Mars Who is Anuradha? A FRIENDLY LEADER INSPIRED BY THE DIVINE Sun in Anuradha: November 19th to December 1st Approximately Ascendant or Moon in Anuradha: Scorpio 3’20” to Scorpio 16’40” You are here to cooperate with your friends to fulfill the divine will. You are a steady, loving and wise person who magically creates harmony between the opposites to achieve miracles. As the presiding deity Mitra, God of Friendships suggests, you are friendly and good hearted, optimistic and helpful towards those in need. You like socializing and creating a nice space for people to gather and mingle. You are an alchemist of human relationships: you know who to mix with and how to put people together to generate desired results. You are also a revolutionary activist: always transforming the old into the new, always re-evaluating the present and looking into the future. You are discriminative and discerning, and a great problem solver who naturally becomes a recognized leader. The symbol, a staff signifies your deeply spiritual nature. You embrace and respect the mysteries of the world, and your life revolves around the search for the foundation of our existence. You can see through any façade people put on, and capture their true soul quality. In fact, this penetrating but non-judgmental insight is the source of your success. You also exceed in expressing love in all forms and levels, whether it be mundane or spiritual, from singing love songs to worshiping God. Anuradha is ruled by Saturn, and lies entirely within Scorpio, ruled by Mars. You can be restrictive of your emotions and always feel unsatisfied and empty. You can also be jealous, controlling and have a bad temper. Even though you are friendly to others, you might hide your true feelings and become resentful as a result. Also, your strong desires may lead you to overindulge in the pleasures of life. Be free in your exploration and bring all humanity to the Divine! Famous People by James and Mikano: Doris Duke, the multi -billionaire had her Sun and Ascendant in Anuradha. From James’ personal interaction with her, he can attest to her sociable nature, her good heartedness, organized mind, and love of life, mystery, and the great beyond. Anuradha is also called the star of success. While she was certainly successful in many projects, she was also a true spiritual seeker. In the entertainment field, we have such personalities as: Kevin Costner, Moon in Anuradha, and Ian McKellen, Ascendant in Anuradha. Kevin Costner produced, directed and starred in “Dancing with Wolves”, which portrayed Native Americans in an extremely favorable light after decades of being depicted as savages. Ian McKellen, after coming out in 1988, has been an activist for gay rights and a supporter of other charities. Marlon Brando and James Dean, Ascendant in Anuradha were also both known for using their fame for revolutionary activism. We also have two comedians Jackie Gleason, Moon in Anuradha and Richard Pryor, Sun in Anuradha. Jackie Gleason hosted his own TV show and let various talents shine. Richard Pryor was a revolutionary black comedian whose outrageous comedy broke down racial barriors. We have a number of politicians influenced by this Nakshatra: Bobby Kennedy, John F. Kennedy Jr., Joe Biden, and Charles de Gaulle, all Sun in Anuradha. Bobby Kennedy was the charming and exciting younger brother of JFK and John F. Kenndy Jr. was his son, also an exuberant politician. Joe Biden, Vice President of the United States is especially known as a friend of the common man. Charles de Gaulle was successful in defeating the Nazis and becoming the first President of the new French Republic. Examples of someone receiving the blessing of Mitra, God of Friendship, would be Dale Carnegie. Sun in Anuradha, who wrote the salesmen’s bible, “How to Win Friends and Influence People”. Also, Charles Schulz, the creator of the Peanuts comic strip which was all about friendships, had his Sun in Anuradha. Finally, since this Nakshatra is ruled by Saturn, the planet of discipline and tradition and it is in the sign ruled by Mars, the planet of violence and aggression, we have the great martial artist, Bruce Lee, Ascendant in Anuradha. Special Power: Radhana shakti means the power to worship. Anuradha people are inclined to believe in a higher power and find divine expression in everyone around them. When the Moon is in Anuradha: Anuradha is most commonly symbolized by a staff, which signifies a deep spiritual nature. Another symbol is a lotus flower, an indication for purity and higher consciousness. The deity is Mitra, the god of friendship, who brings even the greatest enemies together with his compassion and love. It is a great time for all positive events and gatherings, especially if it involves a group of people working together: call up your old friends; have a house warming party; hold a meditation or healing retreat; go on a hike with friends etc. As the translation ‘after Radha” suggests, Anuradha, like Vishakha, strongly relates to Radharani, signifying an aspiration toward the Divine. That combined with the lotus flower, makes this Nakshatra a great period for any spiritual activities such as chanting or meditating. Anuradha is ruled by Saturn and it lies entirely within Scorpio, ruled by Mars. Any goal oriented and structured activities will flourish during this time: write down your goals and make plans for the future; commit to your plans by announcing them to others; research subjects you are interested in, especially if it’s of a mystical or spiritual nature; go over your finances and analyze them etc. It is a good time to travel or deal with something foreign. It is not a good time for marriage. Be a compassionate warrior; go on a quest for the Divine! Historical Trivia: The first night they lit the torch of the Statue of Liberty was on October 28, 1886 with Moon in Anuradha. During daytime, the President Grover Cleveland dedicated the statue in front of thousands of people acknowledging the friendship between France and America. It has become a symbol of our aspiration for freedom and open heartedness. Footnotes by James: The symbol for Anuradha is a staff. Practically in every tradition, a holy person carries a staff. Moses, Jesus, All the bishops of the Catholic Church carry a staff, and of course in Vedic Culture, the Sanyasis carry their danda. Especially Vaisnava Sanyasis carry the tridanda, meaning 3 sticks. My Siksha guru Bhaktivedanta Narayan Maharaja even used his tridanda for crowd control. In his later years, he often didn’t carry his danda and when questioned, he stated that his personal servant Madhava Maharaja was his danda. The Staff therefore is a symbol for spiritual aspirations and a tool for getting the job done.
Posted on: Mon, 04 Nov 2013 17:47:49 +0000

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