Todays P & W Thought: My encouragement is found in Jesus ...where - TopicsExpress


Todays P & W Thought: My encouragement is found in Jesus ...where is yours coming from? May our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father, who loved us and by his grace gave us eternal encouragement and good hope, encourage your hearts and strengthen you in every good deed and word. 2 Thessalonians 2:16-17 Earlier today I said to myself although i dont understand this trial, I need to accept that Lulu was part of my life and is no longer here so I need to focus on my two other children and husband. I felt strong and ready to start the day. Around 0900am I started blaming myself ... Was there something I could have done to prevent her passing? I felt I had failed her. Guilt set in immediately.. Then I got angry at myself. This upset me and I ended up crying so much .... I know these are peace breakers because they always come to distort the peace that God gave me but I still get upset ... But where did my encouragement come from? My sis in law, friend Nuru and cousin Bella passed by before going to work. Pastor Ahmed Ngombo and sis Audrey Ahmed came in the afternoon. They shared with me a few tips on how they are coping with the passing of Joshua [in June 2014] - this was very refreshing n informative then my other friend Anna came and told me about her losses ...loosing very close and loved ones in a very short space of time; she even brought a book on Anger, Guilt and Blame after the passing of a loved one (coincident? I dont think so). The evening ended with my sis Julie , Luty n bro Tony. My day was full and somehow the anger, guilt and anger disappeared. Isnt God wonderful? Always there for us through our friends and family when we need Him. The words that Paul wrote in the above verse to the church at Thessalonia still have a very powerful meaning to us today. In this world, we will face trials and tribulations. We need encouragement to face these on a daily basis. This encouragement is found in Jesus Christ and God the Father. This encouragement comes in the form of the Holy Spirit to help us face the world. Holy Spirit uses our friends and family members to speak to us. All we have to do is listen. It comes from a small, still voice that gently and quietly leads us in the path that God has set for us. To hear this encouragement, we must be willing to listen intently and do what we are encouraged to do. Brethren dont forget that:- You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world. (1 John 4:4) Have a wonderful Wednesday my friends...
Posted on: Wed, 21 Jan 2015 01:52:50 +0000

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