Todays Prayer Dear God, This is such a busy time of year. People - TopicsExpress


Todays Prayer Dear God, This is such a busy time of year. People are traveling, finishing up year-end business records and reports, visiting friends and family, celebrating Christmas and the New Year. I pray that during this time of preparation and cheer, You will cover us with a blanket of protection. I pray that you will grant safe travels to those who are driving, riding, flying around their neighborhoods, across the country, and throughout the world. I pray that you will give peace, comfort, and joy to all who are your children and fill our hearts with praise and rejoicing in the spirit over the reason for this season of celebration. I pray that we, your children, would be the shining examples of your love and Christian living before the world, especially now. I pray that personal and business affairs would be conducted with integrity...and that as we are blessed, we would be a blessing to others. I pray that the lost will see Jesus and be drawn unto you. Thank you, Father, for watching over us, being with us, and loving us in spite of ourselves. You are merciful and worthy of our praise. In the name of Jesus I pray, amen. Seeking His Face TGIF Today God Is First Volume 1, by Os Hillman 12-19-2014 Since then, no prophet has risen in Israel like Moses, whom the Lord knew face to face. - Deuteronomy 34:10 One of the great differences between Moses and any other character in the Bible is how God describes Moses. Moses was a friend of God, and he met God face to face. The Lord would speak to Moses face to face, as a man speaks with his friend (Ex. 33:11a). So often, we view others for what they can do for us, instead of who they are. There is a difference between being a servant and being a friend. There is a difference between being an employee and being a son. Do you seek Gods face, or do you find that you spend more time seeking His hand? God wants us to seek Him for our every need. However, there is a higher calling for every believer. That is to seek Gods face, and to see Him for His love and tenderness toward us as His children. He can provide for our physical needs, but when we see Him face to face, we are changed. We no longer see Him as one to be feared as much as one to know intimately. We no longer view Him for what He can give to us, but for what He already has given for us. When we see Jesus face to face, we are no longer slaves, but friends. We do not fear Him as a slave fears his master. We have entered a new kind of relationship-a relationship that has mutual respect and care. Today, Jesus is calling you to seek His face, not just His hand. When you seek His face, you will know His provision and His mercy in all aspects of life. Seek His face today and become a friend of God.
Posted on: Sun, 28 Dec 2014 20:20:44 +0000

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