Todays Prayer God, I know that you had the power to part the - TopicsExpress


Todays Prayer God, I know that you had the power to part the Red Sea, and that You still have that same power. It was scary for Moses and the people of Israel to step out into that fast-moving water. But, by faith, they obeyed and you blessed. When I face my Red Seas of life that look scary, that make me feel helpless or uncertain, please give me the courage and faith to step out and follow You. Help me to keep moving through the doors of opportunities You provide; through the difficult decisions and circumstances of life, because I know You are here with me, just like you were with Moses at the Red Sea. May you get the glory for all that is accomplished. In Jesus name. Amen. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Giving Him the Key TGIF Today God Is First Volume 1, by Os Hillman 02-02-2014 Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with Me. Revelation 3:20 A friend of mine tells the story of an encounter he had with a very important government official - the head of state for a country. In the course of some meetings with my friend, the official came up to him and said, I perceive that there is a difference between you and me. Is it because I come from a different denomination? My friend began to explain why there was a difference. If you were to come to my home, I would invite you in as an honored guest. As my guest, you would enjoy everything I had in my home. However, you would still be a guest. You would not have the keys to the home, and your authority in that home would be merely as a guest. However, if I said to you that I am turning over my home to you and you now have the keys to my home, I would be your servant. My friend continued, This is the difference between you and me. You have merely invited Jesus into your home as a guest. I have given Jesus the keys to my home [heart] and I am his servant. How can I do this too? the man replied. All you have to do is invite Him in as the new owner. The man did this and is now allowing Jesus to rule and reign in every detail of his life. So often many of us enter a relationship with God that brings us salvation. This is the gospel of salvation. But what God really desires for us is to experience the gospel of the Kingdom. He wants us to experience His power and presence every day of our lives and to see His hand at work in us. This only happens when we give Him the key to our life; He must be more than an honored guest. Where are you today? Has your life with God been more like an honored-guest relationship, or does He have the key to your life? Today God Is First (TGIF) devotional message, Copyright by Os Hillman, Marketplace Leaders.
Posted on: Sun, 02 Feb 2014 13:54:43 +0000

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