Todays Prayer This little light of mine, Im gonna let it shine. - TopicsExpress


Todays Prayer This little light of mine, Im gonna let it shine. This little light of mine, Im gonna let it shine...let it shine, let it shine, let it shine... God that sweet little tune is running through my mind this morning. I sang that as a child and later in childrens ministry. And today, I really do want to let the light of Christ shine through me wherever I go--at home, work, and out and about. May I exude your love to the world around me. May I be a bright encouragement to all I meet and all who see me. May the words out of my mouth glorify you and say whatever it is YOU know the hearer needs to hear. Thank you, God, for giving me light and life through Jesus my Savior, in whose name I pray, amen. Tested for Abundance TGIF Today God Is First Volume 1, by Os Hillman 10-14-2014 We went through fire and water, but you brought us to a place of abundance. Psalm 66:12b It is nice to hear that God desires to bring us into abundance. In fact, many a preacher has promoted the goodness of the Lord and His ability to prosper His children. Alas, my experience is that this gospel of material abundance has little to do with the gospel of the Kingdom as our Lord works in the realm of the sanctified soul. The passage above tells us that God does in fact bring us into places of abundance. However, upon further study of the entire passage, we learn the route to this abundance. For you, O God, tested us; You refined us like silver. You brought us into prison and laid burdens on our backs. You let men ride over our heads; we went through fire and water, but You brought us to a place of abundance (Psalm 66:10-12). Gods economy of abundance often has little to do with material blessing. In Gods economy, abundance is often measured in wisdom and knowledge of Himself. It is then that we are truly blessed. Wisdom cannot be gained through intellectual pursuits. Wisdom comes only through experience. Real wisdom comes from the kinds of experiences that come only through the deepest tests. Lessons of refinement, including prison accompanied by burdens, lead us through the fire and water. This is the territory that must be traveled to reach that place of abundance. It would seem strange that a loving God would use such means with His children. What we often fail to realize is that Gods measuring stick is the character and likeness of Jesus Christ Himself in each of us. This cannot be gained through a life of ease and pleasure. Ease and pleasure fail to refine. Is God using your workplace to refine you today? Has He placed you in a prison or laid burdens on your back? Take heart if this is the place you find yourself, and realize that if you are faithful through the tests, you will enter a place of abundance that few will ever attain. The darkest hour is just before daybreak. Today God Is First (TGIF) devotional message, Copyright by Os Hillman, Marketplace Leaders.
Posted on: Tue, 14 Oct 2014 11:45:54 +0000

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