Todays Rant: Obama and our foreign Policy is a shambles.. Ah, - TopicsExpress


Todays Rant: Obama and our foreign Policy is a shambles.. Ah, everywhere I look, our overseas policies are a shambles.. Just one look at Iraq and the middle east, and I am immediately running for the bathroom, looking for a place to throw up.. Nothing makes sense, it is all disjointed, and it would take the Wizard of Oz to make sense out of what our national policies really are.. Iraq is an interesting study. Obama pulled our troops out before the time that the Joint Chiefs recommended.. Now, the whole of the country is up in arms (literally) and the only way to straighten out the mess, will be for an international force be sent in to keep the peace. The North is run by ISIS, who is mainly Sunni and some Kurds thrown in for fun.. And the south, is run by the Shia, or Shiites or whatever you want to call them.. Iran is sending help for the Shiites in Baghdad, and the Syrian rebels are sending help, and the Baghdad government wants US to send air power to help.. So, let me get this straight, the USA would be helping the Baghdad government (which is corrupt, but it is OUR friend allegedly), and if we do that, then we are on the same side as IRAN and the Syrian Rebels in Iraq, even though we oppose them in other places.. Gee, makes sense in an Obama kind of way.. The whole of the middle east is a shambles, and our leadership has truly dropped the ball.. Who are our friends over there? Even our most steadfast friends in the past, dont trust the USA for anything right now.. They FEAR our military prowess, and they LOVE our weaponry.. But, the rest, dunno.. and this is all because of the lack of leadership in DC.. Now, dont get me started on the REST of the world.. china, North Korea, Israel and a host of others. I could write books on the subjects of our foreign policy throughout the world. How patently disjointed our policies are, and how we make it impossible for even our ALLIES to understand or predict what OUR response will be to a given situation.. It is going to take decades to straighten out this mess. Prepare yourselves for a long, drawn out campaign to fix our standing in the international community, once we rid ourselves of the clowns in DC that are running things right now.. Think of it this way, 70 years of American International Leadership, gone in 6 years of ineptitude and deceit.
Posted on: Fri, 27 Jun 2014 14:39:30 +0000

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