Todays #SundayStory is about Caleb of Team BELAC So I dont - TopicsExpress


Todays #SundayStory is about Caleb of Team BELAC So I dont really know where to start. All I know is I was told that we werent able to have any more children (which was fine by me since I already had 5). I went to the doctors several times to have test ran ONLY to find out I had tumors and from that result was sent to a specialist to run more detailed test where they found would come forth at 30 weeks, Sir Caleb Solomon Williams (My Miracle child). From the time we found out until the time of his early arrival 7/22/2005 he was an absolute joy. Calebs spirit was none like any other and he touched every life from birth to his passing and even now as we continue his legacy through the foundation (facebook/calebsolomonwilliams). Caleb was born early and with that had chronic bronchitis. On Saturday March 12, 2011 Caleb had an attack that changed our lives forever. He would usually be down for a couple of days then be back to his normal self. This time that didnt happen. I ended up rushing him to the ER on Wednesday March 16, 2011 only to find out that he had a tumor over his left chest wall which had blocked his lung at almost 100% (he was only 5 at the time and only using the right lung) as well as he had fluid build up in his heart. From Health Central they rushed us to Arnold Palmer Childrens hospital where we would learn weeks later what his diagnoses was. After days of testing and radiation etc on March the 29, 2011 Caleb was officially diagnosed with Lymphoblastic T-Cell Lymphoma. My heart was full as we spent the next days in the hospital and wasnt released until April the 8th. Never would I understand the road that was ahead of us and NEVER would I except it to be unto death. As I told my better half and my other children the results, we had to start adjusting to change. From the beginning it was hard because we are a close family and getting use to all these extra people in our lives was a HUGE adjustment. I quit my job to become a care giver alone side of the doctors for Caleb (and I surely dont regret telling my supervisor at the time that I would rather die and go to hell than to leave my baby in a place that is unknown to him). Every hospital stay, every appointment Caleb and I were there for each other. Caleb was the strongest little boy I knew and he made friends with all and picked up a couple of nurses :0. As we journeyed on I got a call from his doctor in November 2011 saying that the cancer was in remission and we were clear. I will ever forget that look on My boyfriends face when I told him the news. Down the road the tumor came back, but Caleb continued to fight and STAY STRONG, which was the pact he Darryl and I made. Caleb was due to start 1st grade and he went to school on the very first day with the other children and spent the next couple of days in treatment. Caleb loved school and held a 4.0 for the years 2011-2012 & 2012-2013 as we home schooled him. The school has now named their annual spelling bee after him as well as The Cherokee School purchased a STAR from the National Star Registry with his name. As the 2012 year closed and the 2013 year came in Calebs health starting taking a turn. The tumor would continue to get larger and the treatments were effective anymore. As the road we were on was coming to an end and we didnt know it Caleb spent his last moments joyous as always. He took the family to a mansion (had us picked up in a limo) and we had dinner with all his and his siblings favorite foods. The he took the family on a mini vacation to Marriott World Center Resort for what would be our last moments of energy with him in March of 2013. God truly gave Caleb the strength for that entire week. As April approached Caleb and I were back in the hospital and the news just kept getting worse, BUT he continued to SMILE and we continued to press on in spite of how things looked. The more my boyfriend and I would have these round table meetings with the doctors the more we kept fighting. Calebs feet started swelling and it was becoming hard for him to stand up and walk on his own. As you could expect he started having other issues. All I can say is a battle so NASTY, BUT Im so thankful that God gave Darryl, My children and I the strength we needed to stand with Caleb. I fast forwarded through a lot of the story but as some of you know, the endless hospital visits/stays, doctors appointment, highs and lows etc. On Monday the 10th of June 2013 we were schedule for a regular visit to the doctor. Caleb woke up at around 3AM telling me that he wasnt feeling well. His eyes were yellow and he had began what I found out later after we arrived at the hospital was that he was hem-merging. As we arrived to the clinic his blood pressure was dropping rapidly and the story goes on from there. They rushed us to ICU where they begin working on Caleb as he was in a restful state. From Monday-Wednesday we stayed in the ICU with no signs of change for the better, Calebs kidneys never recovered and he began swelling. He was in NO PAIN at all and laid there resting. They put a tub down his nose to his stomach where he would pull out at every chance until they had to restrain his hands. On Tuesday the 11th I spoke with Caleb and we prayed together and the words that I spoke and the results that came on Sunday June 16th 2013 (Fathers Day) let me know that we were in agreement with each other. One years later and I still feel like its a dream. Caleb didnt want me to worry and God had already prepared me for this journey. Im so thankful to still be in my right mind and still be able to carry on as he would want. My better half and my children arent doing well at all. He suffers with depression/disorder from his moms passing and now Calebs and my older children and trying to understand. As I tell the staff at his school who loved him dearly and people who were close to our family, I cant or dont understand your pain, BUT know as his mother I have it to, I just TRUST that God needed Caleb more than I did. Does that make it better, NO, but God doesnt make mistakes. I deal with people all over who have many different emotions about this all and you have the right to, but for me I feel we all have to take the road one day and knowing that my son, my baby, my angel NEVER suffered through any of this makes me 100% sure that I will be ok. My prayer is that you all will find strength in your own time and that God would grant you the peace that surpasses all your understanding. Team BELAC The Caleb Solomon Williams Foundation and our family and friends will forever miss this STRONG Inspirational little boy. An assignment that was given on 7 about 2014 but God showed me at 3:00 am 12/28/13 7 in reference to Caleb. This is what I have so far. He was born in July 2005= 7 for the month 2+0+0+5=7 Thats Double (2 2) the day of his birth I took him to the ER Wednesday March 16, 2011 1+6=7 for the day 3+2+0+1+1=7 for the month and year H He transitioned on Sunday June 16, 2013 again 1+6=7. Thats the 1st day of the week the 6th month. Caleb Solomon was My 7th pregnancy From a child that I wasnt suppose to be able to conceive to a miracle walking til age 7. Im excited just typing this email. COMPLETION!!!!!!!! Our God is Awesome He can move mountains while keeping us in the valley and hiding us from the rain.
Posted on: Sun, 13 Jul 2014 16:26:06 +0000

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