Todays Thought~ Believing like a Child. Todays thought comes from - TopicsExpress


Todays Thought~ Believing like a Child. Todays thought comes from Mark 9:15 Mark 9:15 “Truly I tell you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will never enter it.” This statement by Jesus is one that has been inadvertently confusing to many Christians and would be Christians over the years. However when looked at in the proper setting the statement makes perfect sense. This statement in essence in a subtle reminder, we are to put our faith and trust in the Lord our God and not manmade institutions, beliefs, or in mankind for our deliverance. Children have, in general, not become jaded by things of this world. They can and often do believe in things simply on faith and the word of others. Children don’t have to see to believe. The people of Israel at the time, and even prior, would not believe something without a sign, something tangible that they could see or hold. Thomas’ doubt at the resurrection is a perfect example. How often do you see in Scripture the people demanding a sign or some other action before they will believe? Jesus is reminding the people that they have hardened their hearts to the Lord. They want proof before they will consider believing. Jesus is chastising them in a loving way as He states that faith has to come out of the heart and true belief. If it is dependent upon some action or sign, it is not a true faith. God wants us to come to Him with open and willing hearts that are not hardened by the world. He wants to mold us, shape us, and guide us. We are His children and he wants us to see Him with our minds eye, out of faith, rather than in some idol that the hands of man have formed or in some sign that proves he is there. Thus begs the question, are you a fan or a follower. A fan of Christ is like the Pharisee who demands to see a visible sign before he will follow and consider surrendering to the Father’s will. A follower of Christ has that open, honest, non-doubting belief and willingly surrenders to that which the physical eye cannot see or comprehend. Therefore as you go to a time of prayer and reflection today, ask yourself do you require a sign or can you willingly step out of your comfort zone knowing that God is there to secure your footsteps, give you His strength, and guide your path? Do you see God with the eyes of a child or must your physical eyes perceive something first before you will accept His Truth, His Love, and His Mercy? I pray that you can turn to God because you want to and that you are able to do so without any preconceived notions or requirements. If you can then you are truly capable of receiving the Kingdom of Heaven like a child.
Posted on: Sat, 08 Nov 2014 12:31:36 +0000

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To the siblings: I remember too. Aghatise Osazemen I remember
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