Todays Thought~ The Power of the Tongue. Todays message is mostly - TopicsExpress


Todays Thought~ The Power of the Tongue. Todays message is mostly out of James 3:5-6 In todays passage, the Apostle James warns us of the dangers that can come from the tongue. In this passage, he is not stating the actual organ, but is instead referring to the words we speak. It is the words we speak that often show who and what we are. Christ stated that it is what comes out of a mans heart that makes him unclean. Often what comes out of our hearts is what we say. James is warning us to mind our words. What we speak can either be used to lift up or to destroy. Careless words seek only to bring harm to what God has created. If we look back at Genesis and the story of the Creation, God separated Mankind out with a special gift. He breathed his breath into mankind. Remember that it was through God speaking that all things were created, yet with man He breathed His essence into him. Then man, through Adam, took a role in creation as Adam spoke the names that the creatures that God had created, and from that point on, that has been the names of those creatures. As such the when we speak, we are breathing life into the world. That is what James is seeking to remind us of. He is reminding us of that great gift, and yes burden, that was bestowed only upon mankind by God when we walked with Him in the unison of the Garden of Eden. If we also recall both with the tempting of Eve and Jesus, Satan did not use actions, but words. Satan uses the power of the tongue to bring doubt, discord, and destruction to what God has created and ordained. James is calling us to listen to see which voice we are echoing. We are reminded all throughout Scripture that we are not to cause others to stumble, that we are to teach Gods will, we are to instruct the young, and that as Paul so eloquently puts it in Romans 14:20a we are not to destroy the works of God for the sake of food. I reference this verse, as only our physical bodies are nurished with what we eat. Our Spiritual and Mental bodies are feed often with food of another kind. What we see, hear, read, and say to one another is food that can and does feed our Spirits and our Minds. Thus we go back to this passage of James, the tongue may be a relatively small organ, yet it has great power. God breathed power and life into us when He first created Adam. Thus when we breathe out or speak, we are put forth a part of His Spirit and power into the world. James causes us to rethink how we are using our words and how they can build up or destroy the Body and its witness to the world. Therefore as you go into a period of prayer and reflection today, take a deep look at how you are using the words you speak and the words you post on media like Facebook. Ask yourself if the words you are speaking are working to honor God and build up His works, or are you actually bring harm and destruction to what God has created. I pray that your words are used to build up the Kingdom. I shall leave you with two wise sayings. If you cant say something nice, dont say anything; and the quiet are good, the good succeed, such am I the quiet man.
Posted on: Tue, 03 Jun 2014 12:52:14 +0000

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