Todays Thoughts By Jeff Head 11/19/13 A Moment To Smile I love - TopicsExpress


Todays Thoughts By Jeff Head 11/19/13 A Moment To Smile I love seeing stories like the one that I have included a link to. Why, well to tell you means I have to pat myself on the back just a bit. Let me say up front though, many drivers also deserve that same pat on the back. You see, on my part starting out as a renegade in the trucking industry back in the eighties, I came to know and understand a different way of doing things, a way that truckers could run safe and legal and still show a profit. As you could guess though, thinking like that back in those days was almost unheard of. It was also as I found out not very good for your health or life if you decided to buck the system. Stories I have told many times. Not being one to let little things like that stand in my way, I decided on a course that worked toward drivers being able to run safe and legal without reprisal. With the good Lord by my side, I found myself traveling down many dark highways always with the intent of my final goal; to bring a change to the trucking industry that would allow safe and legal drivers to survive in a world that otherwise would destroy them for their efforts. Cost to me, well how do you add it up? Friends, money, time, attacks both physical and emotional. A whole host of things that I either lost along the way, are that were taken from me. My retirement is gone; I will never be able to work at a company again. I have become a recluse due to the fact that many have threaten me with harm and I make it a habit to stay to myself on the road. Many things but of these things I deal with, to me if they somewhere along the way saved a life, then it was worth it. I am not alone though as I said earlier. As the years went by and drivers like me grew in numbers, it became the norm to talk about running safe and legal instead of being laughed at or threaten if you did not comply. Drivers stood up and not only said no to those that tried to force them to run illegal or un-safe, but they in a loud and boisterous voice said hell no. Drivers took the lead in demanding that our industry became one that led the way to delivering our freight safe and legal instead of the renegades that lost the title Knights of the Highway My books, my Todays Thoughts, videos, internet radios, many different paths including just sitting down and having a nice chat with a driver, all just seeds planted along the way. It was the drivers that took those seed and grew them into the hard working safe and legal drivers that we find on the road today that really made the difference. A good difference and a difference that we can be proud of. We know though as an industry, our work is not done just yet. As we do our jobs everyday out on that road, we see, we know and we will continue to work on the things that will make our industry even safer. After all, as I always say, Our number one job out on the highway is making sure those we share it with make it home alive and well to their families. Once we have done that, then we will get around to the business of delivering our loads. Be safe peeps, drive safe, drive sane. cdllife/2013/featured/ohio-carrier-ordered-pay-2-drivers-refused-continue-load/ God Bless America Be sure to add me as a friend if you like Todays Thoughts All royalties from the sales of my books to be donated to Saint Christophers Fund for truckers. So be sure to get your copy today. Running Legal Blues Drive Safe Available at Amazon
Posted on: Tue, 19 Nov 2013 23:38:17 +0000

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