Todays Top 5 comes from Mike Huguenor of Hard Girls, Shinobu and - TopicsExpress


Todays Top 5 comes from Mike Huguenor of Hard Girls, Shinobu and many other projects! --------------------------------- If you’re going to make a music video it better be good, because the concept barely even makes sense in the first place. But when a video really works, it brings out the best in both mediums: the music influences the accompanying visuals, and the visuals contextualize and influence the music. I didn’t see hundreds of videos this year, but a couple ones that I did catch completely caught me. 5. Nick Cave & the Bad Seed - Higgs Boson Blues https://youtube/watch?v=1GWsdqCYvgw Yeah, this was technically from December of last year, but we could also have a top 10 list of the best lists this year to have a I know this was technically released last year buuuut... Lets just go with it. Its almost 2015, no time to argue! This song (definitely a grower) is downright sinister. Many of the lines are the kind of beyond-gothic poetics that could only come from Cave, and in particular a Cave that is growing old, a little more weary, and in full Berryman mode. That this official video is a live performance, shot on the spot, out of key guitar and missed notes and all, is punker than anything any punk band did this year. The Bad Seeds have been destroying people half their age for a while, and only got better once Warren Ellis joined the band. So heres an excellent performance, shot beautifully, by one of the best playing, most creative bands in the world right now. 4. Tearjerker – You Can https://youtube/watch?v=TYt3XF4ODjs Also an older song, though this video was only released this year. A simple concept--old home movies, projected onto human bodies--that works so well with the song its crazy. Could be seen as a little nostalgic or treacly, but to my eyes its more about the aestheticization of everything: youth, the past, our bodies, etc. 3. PUP – Guilt Trip https://youtube/watch?v=4gnntMvMgx4 This video is so good it makes me a little angry. HOW DID YOU MAKE THIS? HOW DID YOU PULL OFF SUCH A GOOD STORY AND ALSO GET KIDS WHO LOOK LIKE YOU TO ACT IN IT? HOW DID I HIT THE CAPS LOCK BY ACCident? Eternal questions. 2. Camron - Disphits https://youtube/watch?v=qgfZgBpDzPM Artforum very diplomatically described Richard Hells recent novel reading at a Semitext(e) event as, decidedly prefeminist. This is pretty much how I think about the no homo that appears at the beginning of the song: irksome, but also a picture of the public consciousness at the time, and in that respect it serves as a kind of document. Just like this video. This song already sounds like the baddest victory lap in recent memory, but the imagery, cutting, and filter on this whole video gives the beat (best beat of the year, IMHO) even more motion and swagger than it already had. The video is all about the part that place plays in music, and it knocks it out of the park. 1. Scott Walker & Sun O))) https://youtube/watch?v=G_NIop72vis Ohhhhh man. This music is just as insane as we could have expected when the pair up was first announced. I dont even like metal. A lot of people I know like cool weird art metal; I dont even like cool weird art metal. But the combination between these two is just completely nuts, and you dont get something completely nuts that often. Enjoy it when it comes. And enjoy this terrifying, Elfriede Jelinek by-way-of Lars-von-Trier video that somehow almost outdoes the song (whipcracks and all) for creep and dread.
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 18:28:03 +0000

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